Interface Ltd. was founded in 1991 with the mission of designing, constructing, marketing, supporting and implementing information technology solutions and applications that are highly functional, multi-user, user-friendly and cost-effective.

Interface Ltd. is a provider of comprehensive, effective and affordable client/server solutions and products in Russia. It delivers software products from Oracle, Rational, Computer Associates/Platinum Technology, Inprise/Borland, Microsoft, Centura Software, Sybase, Informix, Symantec and Seagate Software - the world leaders in hi-tech software.

Nowadays Interface Ltd. is one of the leaders on the Russian client/server market and contributes to the development of this market very much. Constantly expanding its market share and penetration Interface Ltd. is now the Russian Inprise/Borland (about a half of Russian software developers use Delphi), Rational Software, Centura Software and Seagate Software partner #1.

Interface Ltd. offers knowledge, experience and best service in informational consulting, development of information systems, training and education in a wide range of modern computer technologies, focusing on the information ones. In fact, Interface Ltd. has become one of the leading IT training centers in Russia. Interface tends to offer a whole range of products, services and solutions giving the effective workaround for the complete life-cycle of software development and implementation. To achieve this goal the company has already established close relations with some well-known software providers of CASE products, testing software, and other development tools.

Interface Ltd. has gained a unique experience in promotion of the hi-tech companies and their products on the Russian market. We have launched Gupta (currently Centura) and in 1994-1995 SQLWindows became a very popular client/server development tool while SQLBase was the best selling NetWare RDBMS. Then we raised up Logic Works (currently Platinum Technology, devision of Computer Associates Inc.) and made ERwin the definite leader among the database modeling tools and BPwin - the most popular business process reengineering tool. Now we work with a lot of western software vendors.

One of the last fields of the company's activity is providing the ERP, MRPII and SCM systems for medium & large Russian enterprises. Being the official partner and distributor of ROSS Systems, Interface Ltd. represents on the Russian market iRenaissance - one of the leading ERP (Enterprise Resourse Planning) systems. The company provides adaptation and localisation of the system, as far as consulting, training and implementation.

We work on the Russian client/server market from the very beginning and have a deep understanding of its conditions and peculiarities. It is in the formation stage now and we expect it to continue its growth.

We constantly work to provide best service and support for our dealers, customers and users. Localised training courses, translated product documentation and long-time free hotline have won the highest reputation for our company. We are definitely not only box-moving company but user-friendly and widely open.

As a result, the company has a large and constantly growing base of strategic clients and partners. Being the distributor of CA/Platinum Technology, Seagate Software, Rational Software, Inprise/Borland, Centura Software, etc. we have developed the dealer network consisting of about 150 partner companies and covering all Russian regions, Ukraine, Belaruss, Baltic and some other ex-USSR republics. In April, 2000 Carl Bro International, the well-known consulting company, entered the family of the Interface Ltd. partners.

Our development department currently works with two very interesting projects targeted at the western market - Internet payment system Instant! and high-technology software for electron beam lithography - PROXY.

Headquartered in Moscow, Interface Ltd. has an efficient staff with highly active and experienced system analysts, project leaders, software developers, technical writers, instructors, sales managers and user support specialists.

The company has a good education center which has been recognised as one of the Top10 Most Professional Education Centers in the Russian computer industry for 3 years in a row (according to the Dator Agency research).

Interface Ltd. has been included in the list of Top100 Russian computer companies. President & CEO of Interface Ltd., Bulat Gaifullin is in the list of Top100 Most professionals in the Russian computer industry.

The company has a clear vision and understanding of both Eastern and Western business and economical peculiarities and that gives Interface Ltd. a good perspective in expanding its business activity. Interface Ltd. is open for business cooperation in the area of CASE, ERP, RAD and information technologies.

See also: Courses held in English

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