Database Feature List
Database Fnd Pro Ent Trial
Third-generation DataExpress Components for Simplified Data Access and Management
Enhanced! dbSwing data-aware JavaBeans for developing full-featured Java 2 database applications   x x x
Swing data-aware Models and Binders for use with standard Swing components, including JTable, JList, and text controls   x x x
ProcedureDataSets to easily use stored procedure in your applications   x x x
Serializable DataSets for distributed database computing solutions   x x x
Pure Java DataExpress data access components with JDBC database connectivity, including support for Master-Detail relationships, Picklists, Lookups, Multiple Table Joins, and Transactions   x x x
DataExpress Source Code for control and flexibility in building your Pure Java database applications     x x
Simplify Database Development with an Integrated Suite of SQL Tools
Enhanced! Visual tools for creating 2-tier client/server applications   x x x
Pure Java SQLBuilder to visually create and edit SQL queries to JDBC data sources   x x x
Pure Java JDBC Explorer for viewing database schema and creating connection URLs   x x x
Visual tools for database development, including column editor, connection editor, link editor, sort editor, MetaDataUpdate Editor, and Resolve Order Editor   x x x
SQL92 query syntax support   x x x
Resourceable SQL to simplify management of SQL code   x x x
Pure Java JDBC Monitor to test and tune SQL applications   x x x
InterBase database server Development License to develop and test multi-user SQL database applications   x x x
JDataStore Pure Java Embedded Database
Pure Java JDataStore Development License for high performance data caching and compact persistence of data, objects, and arbitrary files   x x x
New! Primary-key support for unique and not-null   x x x
New! Thread pooling for increased performance of JDataStore servers   x x x
Enhanced! Advanced concurrency control that allows read-only transactions to operate at full speed without locking for increased performance   x x x
New! JDataStore Explorer for easy and intuitive access to open Data Stores, importing tables, displaying index and table information and executing SQL files   x x x
JDataStore SQL-92 Query engine    x x x
JDataStore transaction and crash recovery support   x x x
Advanced concurrency control to increase application performance   x x x
JDataStore JDBC 2.0 Type-4 drivers (local and remote) with multi-user SQL access to Data Store tables   x x x
JDataStore Explorer for visually managing data stores   x x x

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Interface Ltd.
Tel: 7+(095) 135-55-00, 135-25-19
Дата: 23.03.2000