Internet and Distributed Object Development Feature List
Internet and Distributed Object Development Fnd Pro Ent Trial
Rapidly Develop Scalable Distributed Applications with Java 2 Enterprise Edition technologies
ServletExpress™ for rapid development of HTML front-ends to Java services   x x x
Generation of Server Monitors to simplify testing of CORBA servers     x x
Visual tools to rapidly create HTML front-ends to CORBA Servers using Servlets or JSPs     x x
Enterprise Java Beans Support
EJBExpress™ for visually creating Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) for compliance with the J2EE standard     x x
Enhanced! EJB 1.1 support with visual tools     x x
Visual creation of EJB Deployment, Environment, and Control Descriptors     x x
CORBA Distributed Object Development
Included VisiBroker CORBA ORB Development License, naming, and event services for creating distributed Java 2 applications     x  
Advanced integration of CORBA/IIOP development with support for both VisiBroker for Java and OrbixWeb™ for Java Data Modeler to visually create IDL interfaces for distributed CORBA development     x x
IDL navigation and syntax highlighting     x x
Visual tools to rapidly create client applications for CORBA servers     x x
Visual tools to rapidly create CORBA servers     x x
Multi-tier CORBA sample applications using VisiBroker with Source Code     x x
New! Full support for CORBA 2.3 specification     x x
New! Portable Object Adapter (POA) with support for all sorts of POA policies, such as Thread, Life-span, Object ID Uniqueness, ID Assignment, Servant Retention, Request Processing and Implicit Activation policy     x x
New! Objects By Value (OBV) for passing of arbitrary complex objects and graphs of objects by value across processes, machines, and languages     x x
New! java2iiop compiler for creating IIOP-compliant stubs and skeletons directly from Java interfaces     x x
RMI Distributed Object Development
Integrated project management for RMI development   x x x
Synchronized interface and implementation     x x
Automatic invocation of RMIC postprocessor to create skeletons and stubs     x x
RMI encapsulation     x x
Inprise Application Server (IAS)
New! Inprise Application Server 4 Development License, a complete EJB 1.1 implementation     x  
New! Superior support of all kinds of EJB for stateless and state-full session beans, entity beans with bean managed persistence and container managed persistence     x x
New! VisiBroker 4 CORBA® ORB with full support for OMG 3.2 spec and integration into IAS      x x
New! Integrated pure Java Web server with full support for Servlets and JSP     x x
New! RMI over IIOP and Java-to-IDL Mapping      x x
New! Full support for Distributed Transactions with JTS and Java Transaction API (JTA)     x x
New! JNDI Naming, load-balancing, fault-tolerance, and fail-over in the naming service     x x
New! Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)     x x
New! CORBA compliance with both RMI-over-IIOP and Java-to-IDL mapping     x x
New! Ability to instantiate CORBA® objects and EJB in the same container     x x
New! Both HTML-based and Java-based Visual GUI tools for simplified administration     x x
New! Dynamic Hot-deploy, to deploy/undeploy/redeploy EJBs to containers without shutting down or restarting containers     x x
New! XML Deployment Descriptor Editor, to interactively choose data sources and intelligently edit transaction attributes and isolation levels, security attributes, JNDI names, Bean type information, Bean properties, and CMP properties     x x

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Interface Ltd.

Tel: 7+(095) 135-55-00, 135-25-19

Дата: 23.03.2000