JBuilder 3 Enterprise - Solaris Edition

JBuilder 3 Enterprise

Solaris Edition

The most comprehensive set of Java visual development tools

Support for the latest Java standards

100% Pure Java applications, applets, and JavaBeans™ with no proprietary code or markers.

Build robust Pure Java applications for the Java 2 platform with support for the latest Java standards, including Java 2, Java 2 JFC/Swing, Java2D, Java Collections, Accessibility APIs, JDK 1.1, JavaBeans, JDBC, Enterprise JavaBeans, JSP/Servlets, Serialization, Inner Classes, RMI, JNI, JARs, and more.

Visual development using the Java 2 JFC/Swing components for professional Java UI development.

Advanced state-of-the-art AppBrowser™ environment

Integrated AppBrowser that combines the features of a project manager, compiler, debugger, class browser, visual designers, and source code editor.

JDK Switching for compiling and running with multiple JDKs.

Wizards for rapid development of applications, applets, JavaBeans and more.

Visual Java 2 Designers for drag-and-drop JFC/Swing application development, without proprietary markers or code.

Visual manipulation of Layout Managers for rapid UI development.

Visual Menu Designer.

Customizable code creation based on developer style preferences.

Deployment Wizard to quickly create easily deployable .jar files of your applets, applications, or JavaBeans.

Pure Java Help System with full text search for easy access to comprehensive documentation.

Structure view, with type to search, for rapid file navigation.

Integrated JavaDoc viewer.

Built-in API browser for class file methods and data.

Project folders and resource management for increased productivity.

Configurable IDE to meet your development needs.

Included Open Tools API for integrating custom tools into the JBuilder environment.

Multilingual online shopping sample application with source code.

Built-in local obfuscator to protect your Java source code.

Fast Java compiler with SmartChecker™ for the fastest compiles.

Certified Y2K-ready, for both development and deployment.

Professional source code editor

CUA and Emacs Keybindings.

Advanced search-and-replace options with pattern matching.

Syntax highlighting for multiple file types, including Java, IDL, SQL, HTML, JSP*, XML*, XSL*, and C++.

Customizable smart key options, indent options, and syntax highlighting.

Customizable key bindings using the included Open Tools API.

CodeInsight™—speed up coding and reduce syntax errors

Code Completion automatically displays the members, methods, and events for the given JavaBean.

Code Parameters tooltips automatically display the parameter list of procedures, methods, and events.

ToolTip Expression Evaluation for easier debugging.

Package Completion Wizard to help ensure proper syntax.

Package Browser to list classes by package.

Configurable Code Templates to automate common coding tasks.

Error Insight to automatically display common coding errors.

Advanced debugger for bringing complex applications to market faster

Debugger with breakpoints, stepping, watches, and Tool Tips for finding and fixing bugs fast.

Debugging of Java 2 applications using the industry-standard JDI API.

Advanced debugger features, including conditional breakpoints, breakpoint logging, exception breakpoints, class breakpoints, evaluator, step out, and run to end of method.

Thread-lock detector to rapidly isolate the cause of thread contention.

Multi-process debugging to simplify development of partitioned applications.

Remote debugging for debugging complex distributed applications.

Multi-platform debugging for remote debugging of Java applications on a variety of platforms.

Rapidly create industry-standard JavaBean components

BeansExpress™ to rapidly create reusable JavaBeans.

Visual Bean Designers to easily create properties, events, and BeanInfo.

BeanInsight™ to identify problems in your JavaBeans.

Charting JavaBean components to visualize your data.

EJBExpress* for visually creating Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs.)

Third-generation DataExpress™ components for simplified data access and management

Pure Java DataExpress data-access JavaBean components with JDBC connectivity.

Support for Master-Detail relationships, Picklists, Lookups, Multiple Table Joins, and Transactions.

ProcedureDataSets to easily use stored procedures in your applications.

Serializable DataSets for distributed database solutions.

DataExpress Source Code for control and flexibility in building your Pure Java database applications.

Pure Java dbSwing data-aware JavaBeans for developing full-featured Java 2 database applications.

Swing data-aware Models and Binders for use with standard Swing components, including JTable, JList, and text controls.

DataModules for centralized data access.

Simplify database development with an integrated suite of SQL tools

Data Modeler and DataModule designer to visually create DataModules, speeding database development.

Visual tools for creating two-tier client/server applications.

Pure Java SQL Builder to visually create and edit SQL queries to JDBC data sources.

Pure Java JDBC Explorer for viewing database schema and creating connection URLs.

Visual tools for database development, including column editor, connection editor, link editor, pick-list editor, sort editor, MetaDataUpdate Editor, and Resolve Order Editor.

SQL92 query syntax support.

Resourceable SQL to simplify management of SQL code.

Pure Java JDBC Monitor to test and tune SQL applications.

InterBase® database server to develop and test multi-user SQL database applications. (Development License)

Borland® JDataStore™ pure Java embeddable database

Pure Java JDataStore for high-performance data caching and compact persistence of data, objects, and arbitrary files. (Development License)

JDataStore SQL-92 Query engine.

JDataStore transaction and crash recovery support.

Advanced concurrency control to increase application performance.

JDataStore JDBC 2.0 Type-4 drivers (local and remote.)

JDataStore Explorer for visually managing JDataStores.

Rapidly develop Java web applications

Integrated HTML Browser

ServletExpress and JSPExpress* for rapid development of HTML front ends to Java services.

Integrated running and debugging of JSPs* and Servlets to speed development of interactive web applications.

Syntax highlighting for HTML, Servlet, JSP*, XML*, and XSL* files.

Structure pane navigation of HTML, JSP*, Servlet, XML*, and XSL* files.

Visual tools to rapidly create HTML front ends to CORBA® Servers using servlets.

Rapidly develop scalable server-side applications

Visual development of CORBA 2.3 applications.

Includes VisiBroker® CORBA ORB, naming, and event services for creating distributed Java 2 applications. (Development License)

Advanced integration of CORBA/IIOP development with support for both VisiBroker for Java and OrbixWeb™ for Java.

Visual tools to rapidly create client applications for CORBA Servers.

Visual tools to rapidly create CORBA Servers.

Generation of Server Monitors to simplify testing of CORBA Servers.

EJBExpress* for visually creating Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).

Visual generation of EJB 1.1 XML deployment descriptors*.

IDL navigation and syntax highlighting.

Integrated project management for RMI development.

Multi-tier CORBA sample application using VisiBroker with Source Code.

*Requires J2EE, available separately

Interface Ltd.

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E-mail: mail@interface.ru
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Äŕňŕ: 19.11.99