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IBM Rational Developer for System z

IBM Rational Developer for System z поддерживает CICS, IMS, DB2 и WAS и позволяет сократить сроки, повысить эффективность и снизить стоимость разработки многоплатформенных приложений.

  • Позволяет ускорить разработку приложений для мэйнфреймов, включая традиционные приложения на языках COBOL, PL/I, C/C++, Java, EGL и Assembler, Web-службы и интерфейсы на базе XML с интернет-ссылками.
  • Позволяет снизить стоимость разработки традиционных приложений для мэйнфреймов за счет выборочной разгрузки и сокращения количества операций, необходимых для выполнения общих задач разработки.
  • Помогает повысить производительность разработчиков, создающих и обслуживающих приложения для мэйнфреймов и Web-службы, на любом этапе перехода к среде на основе сервис-ориентированной архитектуры.
  • Сокращает циклы разработки и помогает снизить затраты путем эффективного применения существующих приложений за счет их повторного использования и преобразования, а также обеспечения доступа к ним как к Web-службам.
  • Позволяет разработчикам быстро создать оптимизированный процесс комплексной обработки, в котором объединяются традиционные транзакционные приложения CICS или IMS для мэйнфреймов и среды на базе WebSphere.
  • Содержит существенные усовершенствования по сравнению с версией 7.6, повышающие эффективность создания традиционных приложений для мэйнфреймов и Web-служб.
  • Предлагаются две комплектации пакета: Rational Developer for System z with Java (поддержка разработки приложений для мэйнфреймов и J2EE-приложений) и Rational Developer for System z with EGL (поддержка разработки традиционных приложений для мэйнфреймов и разработки приложений на языке EGL).
  • Поддерживаемые операционные системы: Windows, z/OS.

Rational Developer for System z Client

Операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Аппаратное обеспечение

Windows 2003, 
Windows 2008, 
Windows Vista, 
Windows XP Professional
Windows 7

• IBM Java SDK 6.0 SR4 plus iFixes (bundled)

• Eclipse 3.4.2 (bundled)

Coreqs in support of local unit test:
TXSeries for Multiplatforms:
• TXSeries® for Multiplatforms v 7.1 (bundled)
• TXSeries for Multiplatforms v 6.2
• TXSeries for Multiplatforms v 6.1 

DB2 for Windows:
• DB2® Workgroup Server Edition v 9.5 Fix pack 3 (bundled)
• DB2 Connect Personal Edition v 9.5 Fix pack 3 (bundled)
• DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v 9.1 for Windows

Intel Pentium® III 800 MHz or compatible processor, a stronger processor is recommended

Minimum: 1.5 GB RAM 
Recommended: 2 GB RAM

Disk Requirements:
Minimum: 1.1 GB of disk space is required to install the IBM Rational Developer for System z traditional developer role.
Recommended: 5 GB of disk space is recommended when installing other bundled software.

• Disk space requirements can be reduced depending on the features that you install.
• Additional disk space is required for the resources that you develop.
• Additional disk space is required if you download the electronic image to install the product.
• Additional disk space is required if you use FAT32 instead of NTFS.

1024 x 768 resolution using 256 colors
A higher resolution and color palette is recommended.

Other hardware:
Microsoft® mouse or compatible pointing device

Rational Developer for System z Server 

Операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Аппаратное обеспечение

• v1.11
• v1.10
• v1.9
• v1.8

NOTE: APARs may be required depending on z/OS level

z/OS includes the following components which need to be installed and operational:
• Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)
• Language Environment
• RACF® or equivalent security product
• VTAM® component of IBM Communications Server
• IP Services component of IBM Communications Server
• Binder

SMP/e v3.4, v3.5

• IBM 31 bit SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, v 6.0
• IBM 31 bit SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, v5.0

Mainframe co-requisites:
z/OS components (for zOS v1.11, v1.10, v1.9, v1.8)
• High-Level Assembler (HLASM)
• XL C/C++
• Langugage Environment (LE)
• JES2 or JES3

Enterprise COBOL for z/OS

Enterprise PL/I for z/OS

• IBM Library for REXX™ on zSeries v 1.4
• IBM Library for REXX on zSeries Alternate Library v 1.4.0 

CICS Transaction Server:
• IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS v 4.1
• IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS v 3.2
• IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS v 3.1

• IBM IMS v11.1
• IBM IMS v10.1
• IBM IMS v9.1

DB2 for z/OS
• IBM DB2 for z/OS v9.1
• IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS v8.1

IBM Debug Tool:
• IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V10.1
• IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V9.1
• IBM Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions for z/OS V8.1
• IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V8.1
• IBM Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions for z/OS V7.1
• IBM Debug Tool for z/OS V7.1

IBM File Manager
• IBM File Manager v10.1

IBM Fault Analyzer:
• IBM Fault Analyzer v10.1
• IBM Fault Analyzer v9.1

Rational Team Concert for System z:
• IBM Rational Team Concert for System z Server v2.0

CA Endevor Software Change Manager:
• Release 12


Linux on System z
• Red Hat Linux® Enterprise Server 5 (s390x)
• Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server 4 (s390x)
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (s390x)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (s390x)

• IBM 64 bit Runtime Environment for Linux on System z, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 6
• IBM 64 bit Runtime Environment for Linux on System z, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 5


• AIX® 6.1 Standard Edition
• AIX 5L™ version 5.3

• IBM 32 bit Runtime Environment for AIX, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 6
• IBM 32 bit Runtime Environment for AIX, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 5


Intel Linux
• Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5
• Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
• SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9

• IBM 32 bit Runtime Environment for Linux on Intel architecture, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 6
• IBM 32 bit Runtime Environment for Linux on Intel architecture, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 5


Rational Developer for System z Unit Test


Операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Аппаратное обеспечение

Intel Linux
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 (RHEL 5.3 )
• OpenSUSE 10.3, 11.0, and 11.1.

IBM does not support or allow installation on other Linux distributions.


For best results, the underlying system should have the following characteristics:

For best operation, the base machine should have one more Intel-compatible processor (core) than the number of virtual engines configured.

• Unit Test Standard (one virtual engine) is best used with a machine that has at least two processors (cores).
• Unit Test Specialty (three virtual engines) is best used with a machine that has at least four processors (cores).

The base machine must have at least 3 GB of real memory.

• 1 GB is required for the 64-bit RedHat or openSUSE Linux
• 1-2 GB is required for the System z operating system, depending on the size of the development system.

Disk Space
The base machine must have available disk space for the System z operating system

• Minimum 80GB free disk space

Other Hardware
At least one Ethernet adapter is required for OSA operation.
Base machine requires the Rational Developer for z Unit Test 1091 USB hardware key (1091 token) in order to operate. A USB port must be available for the 1091 token whenever Rational Developer for System z Unit Test environment is operating.

• The 1091 token can be moved between different machines to support different hardware and/ or software configurations, but only the Rational Developer for System z Unit Test software in the machine with the 1091 USB hardware key will operate.
• The 1091 token contains a mechanism to defeat time cheating. Assure the clocks are set reasonably close to avoid problems when moving the token between systems.
IBM Rational Developer For System z Unit Test has been tested on the following hardware:
• Lenovo ThinkPad W Series
• IBM System x 3500 M1, 3500 M2, 3650 M1, or 3650 M2

IBM Rational Developer for System z Unit Test is licensed only for development and test of applications that run on IBM z/OS. The Program may not be used to run production workloads of any kind, nor more robust development workloads including without limitation production module builds, pre-production testing, stress testing, or performance testing..

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 Рекомендовать » Дата публикации: 16.03.2011 

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Rational ClearQuest Floating User License
IBM RATIONAL Clearcase Floating User License + Sw Subscription & Support 12 Months
Rational ClearCase Multisite Floating User License
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