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Кубик Рубика, не мой, но красивый (Rubik"s Cube, not my, but great)

Vsevolod Leonov


Один неслабый человек сделал свой кубик Рубика на FireMonkey.

Опубликовал там же исходники. Что можно сказать, большой молодец, респект!

Пожалуй, надо свой доделать. Но сейчас готовится конкурс. Следите за рекламой на DelphiFeeds.ru.


A really great developer"s published his own version of Rubik"s Cube wtih FireMonkey.

Really impressive, taking into account he completed the job and published his sources. Respect!

I"ve got to complete my version and publish the sources. Promise! But not soon.

Fireman, send me your photo and I"ll publish it here. May be a little story about the project will be also interesting for people. Drop me a line, please.

Posted by Vsevolod Leonov on April 19th, 2012 under C++Builder XE2, Delphi XE2, FireMonkey /

One Response to "Кубик Рубика, не мой, но красивый (Rubik"s Cube, not my, but great)"

  1. Whiler Says:
    April 19th, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    Hi Vsevolod,

    Regarding your latest request, there"s a French readme attached with the projet… it"s pretty long but here is the start of what he approximately wrote:

    "I create this program for 2 main aims:
    - to work with the 3D part of FMX
    - promote my favorite tool

    The application is working, but doesn"t solve the game. This has already been done and so, doesn"t have a big interest.
    The official notation is not followed, for one good reason: in 3D, there"s no fixed front, side, top, … So, I used the colors of each face.


    If you need more details, you know how to contact me (who is not the guy who wrote the application neither).

    kind regards,


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