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Новый релиз DevExpress VCL Subscription 17.2.3

Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета - это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.


ExpressBars Suite

  • Built-in menus in DevExpress controls display duplicate items after invoking a TreeList control's built-in menu or a tab/page control's Go Dialog.
  • Hot-tracking a popup menu item displaying an icon causes an AV if a bar manager's Style property is set to bmsEnhanced.

ExpressEditors Library

  • In-place cxImageComboBox - Activating another cell's editor displays the previously active cell's edit value if the Properties.IncrementalFiltering property is set to True.
  • TcxButton - Assigning a drop-down menu in the OnDropDownMenuPopupEx or OnDropDownMenuPopup event handler doesn't replace the menu specified using the DropDownMenu property.

ExpressLayout Control

  • An AV occurs at design time when selecting "Revert to Inherited" in the context menu of a TcxGrid control located within a visually inherited layout control in certain cases.


  • A glyph assigned to a custom menu item is not displayed if the item is within the built-in popup menu of the TcxGrid or TcxScheduler control, provided that the ExpressBars Suite is installed.
  • All DevExpress controls - Changing the content in an image list linked to a DevExpress control does not immediately repaint it.
  • SVG Images - An exception occurs on drawing an image containing the "Text" element with invalid font parameters.


  • The "List index out of bounds (0)" exception occurs on posting data if the SortedField property is specified, the ProgrammedFilter property is set to True, and FilterList is empty.


  • The default fonts are scaled twice when loading any NavBar control positioned on the form designed at 96 DPI if the current system DPI exceeds 96.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • DB Table and DB Banded Table Views - Collapsing all rows doesn't collapse the group row containing the selected row if it was located more than once.
  • Master-Detail - Expanding all rows consumes a lot of memory.
  • Table and Banded Table Views - The popup menu assigned to the PopupMenu property of the grid control or the grid View is not displayed if the built-in popup menu is empty for a specific View element.
  • The Component Editor dialog flickers on switching between grid Views.
  • The default column widths are incorrectly initialized on creating a form if the current monitor DPI differs from 96.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • The font specified by the Styles.Content property is not applied to selected cells if the Styles.Selection property is assigned a style whose Font property is not customized.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • An event caption is incorrectly positioned within a popup hint displayed in Modern Style mode if the monitor DPI differs from 96.
  • Handling the OnGetEventDisplayText event has no effect if the Modern UI Style is selected.
  • The date navigator does not show holiday hints if the Modern UI Style is selected.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Ribbon - TdxBarLargeButton whose Down and ButtonStyle properties are set to True and bsCheckedDropDown blends with the background if the Office2013~ skin is applied.


  • A numeric value assigned to a cell via its AsString property is automatically converted into a number.
  • The 'Control has no parent window' exception occurs when trying to change an active sheet while an inplace cell editor is opened.
  • The public GetCellValue procedure has been removed from the TdxSpreadSheetTableView class.
  • The VALUE function does not recognize a numeric value stored as a string if one or more zeros precede the first meaning number.

DevExpress / VCL Subscription
Полный набор DevExpress VCL компонентов и библиотек, созданный компаний Developer Express. Все библиотеки, включенные в состав этого пакета – это 100% использование языка Delphi & C++ Builder. Developer Express VCL Subscription дает право пользования всеми существующими VCL-продуктами Developer Express, а также в течение года предоставляет новейшие релизы, приоритетную техническую поддержку и полный исходный код. Кроме того, пользователи DevExpress VCL Subscription получают доступ к продуктовой линейке DevExpress ASP.NET.

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 Рекомендовать » Дата публикации: 12.01.2018 

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