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Сертификат MySQL 5.0 Developer (CMDEV)


MySQL Developer Certification is achieved by passing two exams. The sections covered by the exams are listed below, along with the relative weight of each section in the final scoring. The weights indicate the percentage of the exam that you should expect to be devoted to questions from each section.

The exam consists of 70 questions, and you have 90 minutes in which to answer them. (If you're taking part in a Beta exam, there are 100 questions, and you have 2 1/2 hours to answer them).

Note: In the MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide and in earlier versions of this document, it was expected that questions on MySQL Query Browser would be part of the exam. For a number of technical reasons, questions on the MySQL Query Browser do not appear on the final version of the exams.

Основные разделы экзамена Certified MySQL Developer, часть I

  • Client/Server Concepts (5%)
    • General MySQL Architecture
    • Invoking Client Programs
    • Server SQL Modes
  • The mysql Client Program (10%)
    • Using mysql Interactively
    • Statement Terminators
    • The mysql Prompts
    • Editing Keys in mysql
    • Using Script Files with MySQL
    • mysql Output Formats
    • Client Commands and SQL Statements
    • Using Server-Side Help
    • Using the --safe-updates Option
  • Connectors (5%)
    • MySQL Client Interfaces
    • Connector/ODBC
    • Connector/J
    • Connector/NET
  • Data Types (15%)
    • Numeric Data Types
    • The BIT Data Type
    • String Data Types
    • Temporal Data Types
    • Column Attributes
    • Using the AUTO_INCREMENT Column Attribute
    • Handling Missing or Invalid Data Values
  • Identifiers (5%)
    • Identifier Syntax
    • Case Sensitivity
    • Using Qualifed Names
    • Reserved Words as Identifiers
  • Databases (5%)
    • Database Properties
    • Creating Databases
    • Altering Databases
    • Dropping Databases
    • Obtaining Database Metatdata
  • Tables and Indexes (15%)
    • Table Properties
    • Creating Tables
    • Altering Tables
    • Emptying Tables
    • Dropping Tables
    • Indexes
    • Dropping Indexes
    • Obtaining Table and Index Metadata
  • Querying for Data (15%)
    • Using SELECT to Retrieve Data
    • Specifying Which Columns to Retrieve
    • Specifying Which Rows to Retrieve
    • Aggregating Results
    • Grouping Results
    • Using UNION
  • SQL Expressions (15%)
    • Components of SQL Expressions
    • Numeric Expressions
    • String Expressions
    • Temporal Expressions
    • NULL Values
    • Functions in SQL Expressions
    • Comments in SQL Statements
  • Updating Data (10%)
    • Update Operations
    • The INSERT Statement
    • The REPLACE Statement
    • The UPDATE Statement
    • The DELETE and TRUNCATE TABLE Statements
    • Privileges Required for Update Statements

Основные разделы экзамена Certified MySQL Developer, часть II

  • Joins (10%)
    • Overview
    • Writing Inner Joins
    • Writing Outer Joins
    • Resolving Name Clashes Using Qualifiers and Aliases
    • Multiple-Table UPDATE and DELETE Statements
  • Subqueries (10%)
    • Types of Subqueries
    • Subqueries as Scalar Expressions
    • Correlated Subqueries
    • Comparing Subquery Results to Outer Query Columns
    • Comparison Using Row Subqueries
    • Using Subqueries in the FROM Clause
    • Converting Subqueries to Joins
    • Using Subqueries in Updates
  • Views (15%)
    • Reasons to Use Views
    • Creating Views
    • Altering Views
    • Dropping Views
    • Checking Views
    • Displaying Information About Views
    • Privileges for Views
  • Importing and Exporting Data (5%)
    • Import and Export Operations
    • Importing and Exporting Using SQL
    • Importing and Exporting Data from the Command Line
  • User Variables (5%)
    • User Variable Syntax
    • User Variable Properties
  • Prepared Statements (5%)
    • Benefits of Prepared Statements
    • Using Prepared Statements from the mysql Client
    • Preparing a Statement
    • Executing a Prepared Statement
    • Deallocating a Prepared Statement
  • Stored Routines (20%)
    • Benefits of Stored Routines
    • Differences Between Stored Procedures and Functions
    • The Namespace for Stored Routines
    • Defining Stored Routines
    • Creating Stored Routines
    • Altering Stored Routines
    • Dropping Stored Routines
    • Invoking Stored Routines
    • Obtaining Stored Routine Metadata
    • Stored Routine Privileges and Execution Security
  • Triggers (5%)
    • Reasons to Use Triggers
    • Trigger Concepts
    • Creating a Trigger
    • Restrictions on Triggers
    • Referring to Old and New Column Values
    • Destroying a Trigger
    • Privileges Required for Triggers
  • Obtaining Database Metadata (10%)
    • Overview of Metadata Access Methods
    • Using INFORMATION_SCHEMA to Obtain Metadata
    • Using SHOW and DESCRIBE to Obtain Metadata
    • Using mysqlshow to Obtain Metadata
  • Debugging MySQL Applications (5%)
    • Interpreting Error Messages
    • The SHOW WARNINGS Statement
    • The SHOW ERRORS Statement
    • The perror Utility
  • Basic Optimizations (10%)
    • Overview of Optimization Principles
    • Using Indexes for Optimization
    • General Query Enhancement
    • Choosing Appropriate Storage Engines
    • Normalization

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"Подготовка к сертификации включает в себя изучение продуктов и технологий. Возможно придется изучать те части с которыми вы еще не работали. Для новых технологий очень сложно определить то, на что следует обратить особое внимание. И вот тогда важно использовать рекомендации для сдачи экзаменов на сертификацию. Именно они помогут вам сконцентрироваться на главном..."
Jonathan Blair, MCSD for .NET Edinburgh, Scotland

"Наличие сертификата MCSE для нас обязательно. Мы не рассматриваем кандидатов на позиции, если они не прошли сертификацию. Сейчас все наши специалисты сертифицированы. Возможность показать все сертифицированных специалистов в компании - прекрасный способ показать нашу техническую квалификацию для клиентов и партнеров..."

Tony Neuser, Director of the Microsoft Solutions Practice for Unisys Global Network Services, Unisys Corporation

"Предлагая новый проект, иногда достаточно просто указать, сколько специалистов в компании имеют сертификат MCSD, чтобы подчеркнуть насколько серьезно Compaq проводит техническую экспертизу."

Mark King, Solutions Architect, Compaq Computer Corporation
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