Сертификат Certified MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator (CMDBA)

With the title of Certified MySQL DBA on your rйsumй, you have proof that you master server-related issues, such as installing a server from scratch, keeping the server running smoothly at all times, using the the storage engine for a given task, and analyzing the trouble spots of other users' queries.

The typical job role of a MySQL DBA is in setting up, managing and optimizing one or more MySQL servers in an organization, often helping a team of one or more users and programmers of MySQL products.

When Should I Certify?

MySQL DBA Certification attests that the person holding the certification knows how to maintain and optimize an installation of one or more MySQL servers, and perform administrative tasks such as monitoring the server and making backups. Other tasks may include:

  • Installing a MySQL server without assistance
  • Troubleshooting queries that take too long to run
  • Granting other users access to some of the databases on the server in a secure manner
  • Ability to utilize the MySQL server architecture, the pluggable storage engine architecture, supported index types and replication setups.
  • Planning and implementing backup and recovery plans.

What Knowledge Is Tested?

MySQL DBA Certification is achieved by passing two exams. The sections covered by the exams are listed below, along with the relative weight of each section in the final scoring. The weights indicate the percentage of the exam that you should expect to be devoted to questions from each section.

The exam consists of 70 questions, and you have minutes in which to answer them. (If you're taking part in a Beta exam, there are 100 questions, and you have 2 1/2 hours to answer them).

Note: In the MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide and in earlier versions of this document, it was expected that questions on MySQL Administrator would be part of the exam. For a number of technical reasons, questions on the MySQL Administrator do not appear on the final version of the exams.

Основные разделы экзамена Certified MySQL DBA, часть I

  • MySQL Architecture (10%)
    • Client/Server Overview
    • Communication Protocols
    • The SQL Parser and Storage Engine Tiers
    • How MySQL Uses Disk Space
    • How MySQL Uses Memory
  • Starting, Stopping, and Configuring MySQL (20%)
    • Types of MySQL Distributions
    • Starting and Stopping MySQL Server on Windows
    • Starting and Stopping MySQL Server on Unix
    • Runtime MySQL Configuration
    • Log and Status Files
    • Loading Time Zone Tables
    • Security-Related Configuration
    • Setting the Default SQL Mode
    • Upgrading MySQL
  • Client Programs for DBA Work (5%)
    • Overview of Administrative Clients
    • mysql
    • mysqladmin
    • mysqlimport
    • mysqldump
    • Client Program Limitations
  • Character Set Support (5%)
    • Performance Issues
    • Choosing Data Types for Character Columns
  • Locking (10%)
    • Locking Concepts
    • Explicit Table Locking
    • Advisory Locking
  • Storage Engines (20%)
    • MySQL Storage Engines
    • The MyISAM Engine
    • The MERGE Engine
    • The InnoDB Engine
    • The MEMORY Engine
    • The FEDERATED Engine
    • The Cluster Storage Engine
    • Other Storage Engines
  • Data (Table) Maintenance (10%)
    • Types of Table Maintenance Operations
    • SQL Statements for Table Maintenance
    • Client and Utility Programs for Table Maintenance
    • Repairing InnoDB Tables
    • Enabling MyISAM Auto-Repair
  • The INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database (5%)
    • INFORMATION_SCHEMA Access Syntax
    • Limitations of INFORMATION_SCHEMA
  • Data Backup and Recovery Methods (15%)
    • Introduction
    • Binary Versus Textual Backups
    • Making Binary Backups
    • Making Text Backups
    • Backing Up Log and Status Files
    • Replication as an Aid to Backup
    • MySQL Cluster as Disaster Prevention
    • Data Recovery

Основные разделы экзамена Certified MySQL DBA, часть II

  • Stored Routines (5%)
    • Using Stored Routines and Triggers for Security Purposes
    • Using Stored Routines to Enhance Performance
  • User Management (20%)
    • User Account Management
    • Client Access Control
  • Securing the Server (10%)
    • Security Issues
    • Operating System Security
    • Filesystem Security
    • Log Files and Security
    • Network Security
    • FEDERATED Table Security
  • Upgrade-Related Security Issues (5%)
    • Upgrading the Privilege Tables
    • Security-Related SQL Mode Values
  • Optimizing Queries (15%)
    • Identifying Candidates for Query Analysis
    • Using EXPLAIN to Analyze Queries
    • Using SHOW WARNINGS for Optimization
    • MyISAM Index Caching
  • Optimizing Schemas (15%)
    • General Table Optimizations
    • Normalization
    • MyISAM-Specific Optimizations
    • InnoDB-Specific Optimizations
    • MERGE-Specific Optimizations
    • MEMORY-Specific Optimizations
  • Optimizing the Server (10%)
    • Interpreting mysqld Server Information
    • Measuring Server Load
    • Tuning Memory Parameters
    • Using the Query Cache
  • Interpreting Error Messages (5%)
    • Sources of Diagnostic Information
    • Using the Error Log for Diagnostic Purposes
    • Using The Slow Query Log for Diagnostic Purposes
  • Optimizing the Environment (5%)
    • Choosing Hardware for MySQL Use
    • Configuring Disks for MySQL Use
    • Network Issues
    • Optimizing the Operating System for MySQL Use
  • Scaling MySQL (10%)
    • Using Multiple Servers
    • Replication

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