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Экзамен Tivoli 888: IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.3 Implementation

Разделы экзамена:

Раздел 1 - Planning

1. 1 Given a customer's environment and requirements, document a TWS network layout, including all networks, geographical locations, time zones, servers, and applications such as SAP, Oracle, z/OS, and PeopleSoft extended agents so that a TWS network topology document can be created.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Analyze TCP/IP network topology
  • Identify geographically remote servers (as well as time zones)
  • Identify server operating systems
  • Identify applications that will require extended agents
  • Identify supported relational database requirements

1. 2 Given a list of operating systems and their versions upon which TWS will be installed, determine required patches and kernel parameters so that a list of patches and kernel parameters can be documented.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Determine required patches and kernel parameters

1. 3 Given a list of servers, their hardware specifications, and their roles in the TWS network topology, identify available memory and disk space so that requirements for additional memory and disk space can be documented.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Identify available memory and disk space
  • Determine if additional memory and disk space is required.

1. 4 Given a customer's organizational structure, applications, and existing naming conventions, identify security, reporting, and operational requirements so that a standardized naming convention document can be created.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Identify security requirements
  • Identify reporting requirements
  • Identify operational requirements

1. 5 Given the customer's production run cycle, analyze the workflow so that an optimal 'start of day' time can be determined.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Analyze the workflow.

1. 6 Given a TWS network topology, determine a method of installation for each TWS Agent so that the installation method for each agent can be documented.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Reference product documentation to determine a method of installation for each TWS Agent.

Раздел 2 - Installation

2. 1 Given an installation method, server and root/admin access, define user (if needed) and locate installation package so that TWS can be installed.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Define user if needed
  • Locate installation package
  • Install TWS agent

2. 2 Given that a TWS agent is installed, obtain the extended agent documentation and install media, configure the target server so that the extended agent can be installed on the hosting TWS agent.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Configure the target server
  • Install the extended agent

2. 3 Given the install media and a list of workstations on which the TWS Console (Job Scheduling Console) is to be installed, run the installation so that the console is successfully installed on each workstation.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Select installation method (ISMP, ISMP/silent, TCM)
  • Install the TWS Console

2. 4 Given that a situation requires TWS to be reinstalled, backup necessary files and remove appropriate files and directories, so that TWS can be successfully reinstalled.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Review installation prerequisites
  • Back up TWS configuration files
  • Uninstall TWS
  • Remove TWS files and directories
  • Reinstall TWS

2. 5 Given the installation media and a supported TWS agent, perform the necessary steps to upgrade to V8.3 so that the upgraded agent can be validated.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Select installation method (ISMP, ISMP/silent, twsinst)
  • Upgrade TWS Agent
  • Migrate TWS Framework users using migrfwkusr utility (only where TWS Connectors are deployed)

2. 6 Given a TWS network topology and a list of potential database servers, select a local or remote relational database server so that a TWS database instance can be created.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Select a local or remote relational database server to install a TWS database instance
  • Create  the TWS database instance

Раздел 3 - Configuration

3. 1 Given a valid user ID/password and a list of environment variables to set, customize the customer’s scheduling environment so that jobs runs as expected.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Set user default shell to ksh (UNIX)
  • Customize jobmanrc
  • Customize .jobmanrc (UNIX)

3. 2 Given access to a TWS agent, modify configuration so that TWS is configured and tuned.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Modify globalopts
  • Modify localopts
  • Modify netconf
  • Enable time zones for upgrades
  • Set audit levels
  • Edit BmEvents.conf and configure event logging (Plus Module, magent, etc.)

3. 3 Given a list of backup domain managers and backup masters, execute the switch manager command so that the backup server becomes the active server.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Validate prerequisites are in place to run the switchmgr command
  • Run the switchmgr command

3. 4 Given an installed extended agent and access to a target application, configure option files so that the extended agent is operational.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Configure extended agent option files

3. 5 Given administrative access to the Master Domain Manager, add Sfinal and run JnextPlan so that a current plan can be created.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Add Sfinal
  • Run JnextPlan

3. 6 Given administrative access to the TWS security functions, update the TWS security configuration so that TWS access is limited by identified user roles and responsibilities.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Configure Security file
  • Configure LDAP login  authentication for the TWS console
  • Configure DB2 security
  • Configure WebSphere Application Server security

3. 7 Given that the relational database environment changes, update the TWS connection to the relational database so that TWS is operational.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Use wastools utilities to update the TWS relational database connection.

Раздел 4 - Scheduling and Operations

4. 1 Given access to the TWS database, define scheduling objects so that jobs can be scheduled.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Define database objects.

4. 2 Given production requirements, schedule production jobs so that production objectives are met.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Schedule production jobs.

4. 3 Given customer reporting requirements, schedule jobs so that reporting objectives are met.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Schedule jobs to run reports.

4. 4 Given customer operational monitoring requirements, describe how to perform tasks so that the customer monitoring objectives are met.

With emphasis on performing the following step:

  • Describe how to perform operational monitoring tasks (views, filters, state, CLI filters etc.)

4. 5 Given operational scheduling requirements, describe how to perform tasks so that production objectives are met.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • describe how to perform operational scheduling tasks
  • Cancel a job that is not running
  • Cancel a job that is running
  • Kill a job
  • Add/delete job dependencies
  • Release a job submitted with priority 0
  • Fence jobs
  • Schedule and workstation limits
  • Release resources
  • Submit jobs and schedules
  • Rerun jobs

Раздел 5 - Administration and Maintainance

5. 1 Given access to a TWS agent, administer the agent so that production objectives can be met.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Unlink and stop TWS
  • Change TWS user password
  • Define a new workstation
  • Add new Windows users
  • Add new users to the Security file
  • Migrate objects from one workstation to another
  • Change limit, fence, priority

5. 2 Given access to a TWS agent, maintain the agent so that production objectives can be met.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Upgrade TWS agent to current patch level
  • Apply TWS interim fix
  • Monitor TWS filesystem consumption
  • Backup and restore TWS scheduling objects and critical files
  • Remove old schedlogs and audit logs on a daily basis (MDM and BKM only)
  • Backup TWS security configuration
  • Schedule rmstdlist on all TWS agents

5. 3 Given access to a relational database, administer and maintain the relational database so that production objectives can be met.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Change password
  • Backup and restore the relational database
  • Reorganize the relational database
  • Change relational database hostname and port
  • Run required relational database scripts as necessary

5. 4 Given access to the application server, maintain the application server so that production objectives can be met.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Backup and restore application server configuration files
  • Modify application server hostname or TCP/IP ports
  • Modify security settings
  • Update the application server Windows service after modifications

Раздел 6 - Troubleshooting

6. 1 Given a failed TWS agent installation, troubleshoot the install process so that the TWS agent is operational.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Review install logs
  • Recover from a failed installation step
  • Verify that TWS processes are running
  • Run a test job

6. 2 Given that a job is not running as expected, diagnose and resolve the issue so that the job runs as expected.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Identify the internal status of the job that is not running as expected
  • Validate the logon used to run the job
  • Validate access to the executable using the logon (check permissions and file path)
  • Browse the job log for error messages and the exit code
  • Check job dependencies
  • Check job stream dependencies
  • Review the TWS_MERGE log

6. 3 Given issues with the TWS production plan, diagnose and resolve the issues so that TWS production runs as expected.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Verify that the FINAL job stream completed successfully
  • Review the TWS_MERGE log
  • Review the job logs for the jobs in the FINAL job stream
  • Verify that all agents were initialized with the current Symphony file
  • Run conman "sj @#@" and verify that the command completes successfully

6. 4 Given issues with TWS connectivity, diagnose and resolve the issues so that TWS connections function as expected.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

  • Verify connectivity (linking, ports, netstat, netman, telnet etc.) to all TWS agents
  • Verify connectivity to WebSphere Application Server
  • Verify connectivity to the RDBMS

Подготовка к экзамену: 

Курсы с преподавателем:

Course title: Differences for IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3
Course duration: 12 hours self-paced  (free)
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is not approved for IBM PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
Abstract: This 12-hour free Web-based training course consists of the changes that happened between IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) version 8.2.1 and TWS 8.3. This training is delivered as a series of recordings directed at those familiar with previous versions of TWS. This course contains a combination of lecture and demonstration. 

Course title: IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.3 Overview
Course duration: 2 hours self-paced
Course number: CGS
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is not approved for IBM PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
Abstract: IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 Scheduling and Operations training. This unit begins with an exploration of workload scheduling and its role in your organization. From there you will explore Tivoli Workload Scheduler's basic features that will help you define and manage your workload processing for a wide variety of environments and situations. Finally, you are introduced to the Job Scheduling Console graphical user interface (also called either the JSC or the JS Console) that serves as a common interface to both Tivoli Workload Scheduler distributed and Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS. 

Course title: IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 Administration
Course duration: 2 days
Course number: TX310
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is not approved for IBM PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay
Abstract: In the IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Suite 8.3 Administration course students will study network planning, installation, maintenance, configuration, and problem solving. This course includes an in-depth look at the background processes, the TWS production cycle and production processing. The network planning discussion will include the different types of TWS workstations, advantages of domains and designing a network to meet the needs of your organization. We will discuss configuration options available for an individual workstation and configuring the entire network. This includes how to effectively use TWS security. We will look at common TWS problems, how to identify what is wrong and how to resolve them.

Course labs will include planning a network, defining a workstation and domain, installing a new TWS workstation and TWS components, among other exercises.

This training is done in a classroom environment with multiple opportunities to practice concepts by performing student lab exercises using real-world scenarios.

Course title: IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler 8.3 Scheduling and Operations
Course duration: 3 days
Course number: TX300
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is not approved for IBM PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
Abstract: In the Tivoli Workload Scheduler Suite 8.3 Scheduling and Operations course, students will gain an understanding of the ITWS 8.3 features, environment and new terminology. Students will be able to plan, implement, monitor and efficiently manage an TWS Production Day Plan. Students learn new features in TWS 8.3 and the Job Scheduling Console 8.3.

The course details the building of a plan by defining and documenting the plan objects and their properties. Job and job stream instances are designed using recovery options, external dependencies, prompts and other plan objects. The course provides skills to confidently integrate desired changes appropriate to the plan, jobs or job streams. Students develop valuable skills to optimize plans and methods of troubleshooting plan problems.

This training is done in a classroom environment with interspersed, hands-on laboratory opportunities to practice concepts by performing student exercises using real-world scenarios.

Additional IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Web Seminars are available at the Tivoli Education web site.

General training information can also be found at: IBM IT Training.


Publication title: Redbook - IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS Best Practices: End-to-end and mainframe scheduling
Publication order number: SG24-7156-01
Abstract: This IBM Redbook serves as a reference for system programmers and administrators who will be installing IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS in mainframe and end-to-end scheduling environments.

Installing IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS requires an understanding of the started tasks, the communication protocols and how they apply to the installation, how the exits work, how to set up various IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS parameters and their functions, how to customize the audit function and the security, and many other similar topics.

In this book, we have attempted to cover all of these topics with practical examples to help IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS installation run more smoothly. We explain the concepts, then give practical examples and a working set of common parameters that we have tested in our environment.

IBM Publications Center

or call IBM Publications: 1-800-879-2755 (US) 1-800-426-4968 (Canada)

or from any non-IBM bookstore 


Self-Study: IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Product Information and Related Links
Order number: n/a
Abstract: Detailed information and documentation about IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler can be found at the Web site listed below. Some of the documents contained on this Web page include Guides, Datasheets, Features, Advantages, Benefits and Flyers. Reading these documents in addition to hands-on experience and skills with the product will help prepare a candidate for certification testing.

IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler


Практический тест 

Примечание: Этот тест разработан с целью дать кандидату представление о содержании и формате вопросов сертификационного экзамена. Данный тест не является оценочным тестом. Выполнение его не гарантирует выполнение сертификационного теста.

1.       When a user is connecting to a system via a remote connection, what is a valid installation method?

A.      SETUP.bin -interactive freshinstall.txt

B.      /bin/sh/customize -new

C.      SETUP.bin -silent freshinstall.txt

D.      twspatch -install

2.       There is a failure during the installation process and not enough information is logged in the install logs. Which command can be run to add additional logging?

A.      SETUP.bin -is:log /tmp/twslog.txt

B.      morestdl

C.      setup.ini > /tmp/log.out

D.      merge logtrace=yes

3.       In the installation package, what is the location of the silent install text files used with Tivoli Workload Scheduler?

A.      /cd0

B.      /<twshome>/install


D.      /<OS>/install/silent

4.       What is the Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) default installation directory on UNIX?

A.      /usr/local/Tivoli/tws

B.      /opt/tws

C.      the TWS user's home directory that was specified during the <twsuser> creation

D.      /

5.       How should the Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) environment be sourced prior to running any TWS commands in UNIX?

A.      .rhosts

B.      SETUP.bin

C.      .jobmanrc

D.      tws_env.sh

6.       Which Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.3 script invokes the stageman command?

A.      Sfinal

B.      StartUp

C.      Jnextday

D.      SwitchPlan

7.       Which Tivoli Workload Scheduler V8.3 script creates post production reports?

A.      rep4

B.      db2report

C.      rep11 -post

D.      CreatePostReports

8.       Which command creates a new plan?

A.      mkplan

B.      NewPlan

C.      Jnextday

D.      JnextPlan

9.       Which variable is used to determine the Tivoli Workload Scheduler user’s working directory?

A.      PATH



D.      TWS_HOME

10.   A job abends with a "UNIX ERROR" ulimit exceeded error. Which Tivoli Workload Scheduler configuration script can be modified to address this problem?

A.      .kshrc

B.      localopts

C.      .jobmanrc

D.      /etc/security/limits

11.   If nothing else exists, what must be in a .jobmanrc in order for the job command to launch successfully?

A.      ulimit

B.      PATH=$PATH:<path>

C.      set -o vi


12.   Which keywords must exist around each Security stanza?

A.      BEGIN and END

B.      START and END

C.      INIT and END

D.      INITIATE and END

13.   Which command can be used to list all the options assigned in the globalopts file?

A.      JnextPlan

B.      optman ls

C.      conman sc

D.      morestdlist

14.   What must happen before changes made to localopts take effect?

A.      conman refresh

B.      Final job stream must run.

C.      Changes take place immediately.

D.      Stop and restart all Tivoli Workload Scheduler processes.

15.   Which directory should contain the Extended Agent options files?

A.      <twshome>/agents

B.      <twshome>/methods

C.      <twshome>

D.      <twshome>/extended_agents

16.   What are two ways to view a job stdlist from within conman? (Choose two.)

A.      dump stdl job_num

B.      morestdl job_num

C.      sj sched_name.jobname;stdlist

D.      dump sched_name.jobname;stdlist

E.       export sched_name.jobname;stdlist

17.   Where can the conman altpass command be issued?

A.      only from the SAP Extended Agent that requires the password change

B.      only from the MVS Extended Agent that requires the password change

C.      only from the PeopleSoft Extended Agent that requires the password change

D.      from any Fault Tolerant Agent

18.   Which command is used to start the WebSphere Application Server - Express service for Tivoli Workload Scheduler on a UNIX system?

A.      WASstart.sh

B.      startWasServ.sh

C.      WASservice -start

D.      startWas.sh

19.   A job stream has an internal status of STUCK. What are two possible causes? (Choose two.)

A.      A predecessor job is put on hold or has a prompt waiting to be answered.

B.      The fence on the Master Domain Manager has been raised.

C.      A predecessor job has failed or abended.

D.      The limit on the Fault Tolerant Agents has been reduced to zero to pause their production schedule.

E.       The priority of the job stream has been set to zero.

20.   When creating a CPU definition for a JES2 MVS Extended Agent, what must be defined in the ACCESS field?

A.      JES2

B.      MVS

C.      mvsjes

D.      xagent

Answer Key:

1.       C

2.       A

3.       C

4.       C

5.       D

6.       D

7.       D

8.       D

9.       C

10.   C

11.   D

12.   A 

13.   B

14.   D

15.   B

16.   BC

17.   D

18.   D

19.   AC

20.   C

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