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Ýêçàìåí Tivoli 890 - IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 ImplementationÐàçäåëû ýêçàìåíà:Ðàçäåë 1 - Planning 1.1 Given a statement of work, interview customers in order to assess the implementation requirements to build the solution so that the system/network diagram, user requirements are obtained and installation worksheets have been completed. 1.2 Given the system/network diagram and user requirements, identify software and hardware component specifications so that a solution design is created. 1.3 Given the solution design and knowledge of current TMR deployment, identify probes to upgrade to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 and how to handle probes that can not be upgraded, run TME commands to assess the TMR environment so that the Tivoli Distributed Monitoring upgrade plan is created. 1.4 Given the solution design and knowledge of current IBM Tivoli Monitoring V5.1.x deployment, assess the TMR environment and determine which endpoints will require the Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring V5.x Endpoint so that the integration plan is created. 1.5 Given the solution design and knowledge of current OMEGAMON deployment, assess it so that the upgrade for OMEGAMON plan is created. Ðàçäåë 2 - Prerequisites 2.1 Given the solution design, install and verify the DB2 UDB database so that the prerequisite requirement for DB2 is met. 2.2 Given the installation documentation, define the SSL requirements so that the prerequisite requirement SSL is defined. 2.3 Given the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V6.1 product documentation, determine which databases are supported for components of ITM V6.1 so that the prerequisite requirement is met. Ðàçäåë 3 - Installation 3.1 Given the product CD and the required parameters, log on to the TMR server, install the upgrade toolkit, and optional UNIX or Linux support via Desktop or CLI, to enable the upgrade tools for Distributed Monitoring on Framework. 3.2 Given the product CD and the required parameters, log on to the TMR server, install the upgrade toolkit, and optional UNIX or Linux support via Desktop or CLI, to enable the Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring V5.x Endpoint on Framework. 3.3 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, define the installation tasks required to install the application support files for OMEGAMON, so that a clear understanding of the installation steps are known. 3.4 Given the availability of the product CD, all necessary prerequisites, and completed worksheets for all components, perform a product install on Windows so that all IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure components are installed and ready to be configured, and remote deployment packages are available. 3.5 Given a mounted product CD or image, all installed prerequisites, and the availability of worksheets for all components, install the IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure components on UNIX or Linux so that all components are installed and ready to be configured. 3.6 Given a mounted product CD or image, select and install products to the depot via command-line so that product packages are available for remote deployment. 3.7 Given installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 infrastructure components on Windows and the database administrator password, uninstall the product using the Windows control panel so that all infrastructure components are uninstalled from Windows. 3.8 Given installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 infrastructure components on Linux or UNIX and the database administrator password, uninstall the product using the ./uninstall.sh script and individually uninstall each product so that all infrastructure components are uninstalled from Linux or UNIX. 3.10 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, define when the Candle Management Workstation (CMW) will be available, so that there is a clear understanding of the differences between a new IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 installation and an upgrade to IBM 3.11 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, drop the database, remove the data source and user, and run the installation with remove options so that the Warehouse Proxy and the Summarization and Pruning agents are uninstalled. 3.12 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, run the uninstall program following the prompts, and recycle the event server so that the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event synchronization is uninstalled. 3.13 Given an IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, the product CD, all necessary prerequisites and completed worksheets for all components, perform a product installation of the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Synchronization component on Windows, Linux, or UNIX. Ðàçäåë 4 - Configuration 4.1 Given the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Administrator’s Guide, configure and distribute the Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring V5.x Endpoint (TEMA4ITM5) so that the TEMA4ITM5 is configured. 4.2 Given an existing Tivoli Distributed Monitoring 3.7 environment, examine the Tivoli TMR using Tivoli CLI commands and the Tivoli Desktop GUI so that a list of "to be converted" Tivoli Distributed Monitoring 3.7 monitoring probes are obtained. 4.3 Given an existing Tivoli Distributed Monitoring 3.7 monitoring environment and the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Upgrade Toolkit installed, run the upgrade toolkit CLI command witmscantmr with various options so that a baseline and validated XML file is generated. 4.4 Given an existing Tivoli Distributed Monitoring V3.7 monitoring environment and the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Upgrade Toolkit installed on TMR along with a generated baseline XML file, assess and upgrade a Tivoli endpoint so that the appropriate IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 agent(s) or TEMA(s) are remotely installed. 4.5 Given an existing Tivoli Distributed Monitoring (DM) 3.7 monitoring environment and the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Upgrade Toolkit installed along with a generated baseline XML file, assess and upgrade a DM 3.7 profiles and profile managers so that the appropriate IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.1 situations are created. 4.6 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Universal Agent User’s Guide, the data providers available within the Universal Agent have been defined so that the data provider types are known. 4.7 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Administrator’s Guide, an installed hub monitoring server, and an installed backup monitoring server, reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS), and configure the backup TEMS so that the Hot Standby is enabled. 4.8 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, ITM V6.1 infrastructure components are installed, and a list of User IDs to be created, enable the security validation on the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS), create users in Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP), and define the matching user IDs on the operating system where the hub TEMS resides so that users can only access TEP after entering a valid user ID and password. 4.9 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 User’s Guide, define the command tacmd so that a clear understanding of its’ uses are known. 4.10 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Installation and Setup Guide, define the configuration tasks of Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services so that a clear understanding of the uses is known. 4.11 Given the installed Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring V5.x Endpoint (TEMA4ITM5) and the list of endpoint to monitor, logon to the TMR server, distribute the TEMA4ITM5 to the endpoints and set the logging behavior of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V.5.1.x endpoints so that ITM V5.1.2 resource models are available within Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. 4.12 Given a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) is installed on a Windows/Linux/UNIX system and application support needs to be added, use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services GUI so that applications can communicate into IBM Tivoli Monitoring through the specific TEMS. 4.13 Given infrastructure components to be installed on Linux/UNIX, launch Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and agents so that the components are configured and operational. 4.14 Given infrastructure components to be installed on Windows, launch Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, agents, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, and Tivoli Enterprise Portal so that the components are configured and operational. 4.15 Given the infrastructure components on Linux/UNIX are installed, use the itmcmd command so that infrastructure components are configured and operational. 4.16 Given the customer monitoring requirements, log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal and reconfigure warehouse proxy agent so that the agent is started to store historical data in the data warehouse. 4.17 Given the installed IBM Tivoli Universal Agent, edit the environment file for universal agent (UA), add different data providers to the KUMA_STARTUP_DP environment variable, and start the UA in order to enable the specific data providers required for custom monitoring solutions. 4.18 Given an active SCRP data provider, one or multiple scripts to be monitored, and the script authorization parameters, generate a metafile including the APPL, NAME, SOURCE, and ATTRIBUTE statements, validate and import the metafile with the SCRP data provider, and verify that the managed systems and data is available in Tivoli Enterprise Portal, in order to monitor scripts accessible from a local system. 4.19 Given installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 infrastructure components on Windows, Linux, or UNIX, an installed IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) V3.9 on Windows, Linux, or UNIX, configure the system so that all or selected situation events will be forwarded to TEC V3.9 with the appropriate TEC event severities.
Ðàçäåë 5 - Performance Tuning and Problem Determination 5.1 Given a non-working Monitoring Agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring V5.x Endpoint (TEMA4ITM5), review current status, identify error messages and/or inconsistencies from various logs so that the root cause of errors can be removed and TEMA4ITM5 is started. 5.2 Given the status of Managed Systems OFFLINE, review logs or status on Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) to determine cause of problem so that corrective action can be taken and agent is successfully connected to TEMS. 5.3 Given clients unable to log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS), determine root cause of logon problem by reviewing TEPS and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server configuration and logs so that connectivity is restored. 5.4 Given clients unable to log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS), determine root cause of logon problem by reviewing Tivoli Enterprise Portal and TEPS configuration and logs so that connectivity is restored. 5.5 Given an authorized user is unable to log onto Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP), determine cause of the problem by analyzing messages in IBM Tivoli Monitoring v6 logs and validating user accounts so that the users can successfully log on to TEP. 5.6 Given no historical data past 24 hours is displayed on Tivoli Enterprise Portal, verify that the warehouse DB exists, HDC is correctly configured and started, warehouse proxy agent is running so that historical data is correctly displayed. 5.7 Given that data is not being summarized and pruned according to the parameters set, ensure the Summarization and Pruning agent is running and configured appropriately and the database is running so that the data is being summarized and pruned. 5.8 Given clients unable to log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS), determine root cause of logon problem by reviewing Tivoli Enterprise Portal and TEPS configuration and logs so that connectivity is restored. 5.9 Given users unable to log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS), open workspaces or no data in workspaces, ensure TEPS is running, verify TEPS tables exist, ODBC entry is valid, so that connectivity is restored and users are able to log in. 5.10 Given high CPU overhead at the agent or the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) and an excessive number of situations, ensure that situations are reused where appropriate, only enable those that are active, place attributes in proper order so that situations will execute efficiently and reduce overhead on TEMS. 5.11 Given a slow running workspace, avoid on-demand sampling, filter at the query source, or be as specific as possible to minimize result rows for display so that overhead to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server can be reduced. 5.12 Given IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Administrator’s Guide, define the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Web Service and its’ uses so that a clear understanding of the uses is known.
Ðàçäåë 6 - Administration 6.1 Given the customer monitoring requirements, log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal, open the situation editor to create and manage situations so that the events are raised to the event console at appropriate severity level. 6.2 Given the solution design and the configured agent, configure historical data collection for various agent types to collect data so that the historical data can be displayed in workspaces. 6.3 Given the solution design and collected historical data, configure summarization and pruning of historical data so that summarized historical data is available. 6.4 Given that IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) event synchronization is installed, define TEC server information and create TEC console view so that it can be viewed in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 workspace. 6.5 Given the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) V6.1 infrastructure components are installed, select queries, filters, and styles to create a customized workspace in order to visualize ITM monitoring data. 6.6 Given customer monitoring requirements, use Situation Editor to create new situations so that when thresholds are met, situation events will be opened. 6.7 Given customer requirements, use the command-line interfaces to start/stop/recycle the agents on either windows or UNIX systems, and start/stop Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on UNIX systems, so that components are restarted. 6.8 Given user requirements, use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to reconfigure/start/stop/recycle an infrastructure component so that components are started, stopped or reconfigured. 6.9 Given the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 documentation, know the relationship between attributes and attribute groups so you have an understanding of attributes and attribute groups. Ïîäãîòîâêà ê ýêçàìåíó: