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Экзамен Tivoli 574: IBM WebSphere Studio Application Monitoring v3.2 Implementation

Разделы экзамена: 

Раздел 1 - Planning

1. 1 Given customer input and WSAM architecture, identify what should be monitored, location and configuration of the management server and data collectors and the location of the database so that a deployment plan is created.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Identify the servers to be monitored.
    • Make sure the monitored boxes the data collectors are on meet the OS prerequisites.
    • Identify location for management servers.
    • Decide if the management server should be redundant and which two boxes they will be on.
    • Decide if embedded management server WAS install or location of existing WAS.
    • Make sure the management server box(es) meet the OS prerequisites.
    • Decide if embedding database or location of existing database.

1. 2 Given that you have knowledge of the install quide and the deployment plan, identify hardware and software requirements, required ports, gather database information, select filesystem location, capture firewall information so that you can proceed with managment server installation.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Identify hardware requirements
    • Identify required ports
    • Gather database information - users and home for embedded
    • Select filesystem location
    • Take necessary firewall action

1. 3 Given the installation guide knowledge and deployment plan, determine if you are on a supported platform, decide to use silent or interactive installation, determine the SOAP port, cell, node and server and the installation location so that you values for the data collector install.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Determine silent or interactive installation
    • Determine SOAP port
    • Determine specific cell/node/server
    • Determine installation location

1. 4 Given the architectural differences between WebSphere Application Server on z/OS and distributed platforms, describe how server instances are grouped so that the deployment plan allows for correct data collector configurations.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Describe the differences between WebSphere Application Server (WAS) on z/OS and that on distributed platform for data collectors
    • Describe the differences between z/OS and distributed platforms for server groups.

1. 5 Given an understanding of CICS, CICS Transaction Gateway and WebSphere MQ, describe how CISC Transaction Gateway or WebSphere MQ will be used, so that requirements for monitoring composite requests can be written.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Describe the high level functions that CICS provides.
    • Describe how CICS Transaction Gateway or WebSphere MQ connect to WebSphere Application Server to CICS.

1. 6 Given an understanding of IMS, IMS Connect and WebSphere MQ, describe how IMS Connects or WebSphere MQ will be used, so that requirements for monitoring composite requests can be written.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Describe high level IMS functions.
    • Describe at a high level how IMS Connect is used for composite requests.

Раздел 2 - Preconfiguration

2. 1 Given access to the customers' network topology and access to hardware, locate the J2EE application server hostname, port, username, password and determine if there is an existing IBM WebSphere Application Monitoring (WSAM) application server, so that the hostname, port, username and password are recorded.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Locate the WebSphere instance hostname and SOAP port
    • Collect username and password
    • Determine if there is an existing WSAM server.

2. 2 Given access to a database administrator, record the hostname, port, JDBC info and other database configuration, so that you have the information needed to install.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Record hostname port.
    • Record username and password.
    • Record JDBC path.

2. 3 Given that the graphic display is not enabled, install the VFB or set-up property in WebSphere in order to enable graph display.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • For Red Hat Linux, install XFree86-Xvfb package
    • For Solaris, install from X11 distribution
    • For z/Linux, install from X11 distribution

2. 4 Given that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is not installed, download and install SFU to support scripts on Windows managing server.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Download Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU).
    • Install SFU.

2. 5 Given that you are going to monitor application on z/OS, describe the installation steps necessary so that the z/OS adminstrator knows the steps necessary. 2. 6 Given system administrator access, create the users, grant them privileges and login as that user so that the management server users are configured.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Create user accounts "amuser" and "admin".
    • If using Windows, grant priviledges, ownership to users.
    • Login to server to initialize those accounts.

2. 7 Given the need to set-up the environment variables source the database profile, export Java home and WebSphere or WebLogic home, so that the management server environment is set-up.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Source the DB2 profile
    • Export JAVA_HOME
    • Export WL_HOME
    • Update PATH to include variables  

Раздел 3 - Installation

3.1 Given the values for the embedded management server install, input WebSphere Application Server (WAS), DB2, features, installation location, and Kernel information so that you have an installed management server.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • AS inputs: user id, password, admin console port and install path.
    • DB2 Admin User, DB2 Fence User, DB2 Instance User.
    • DB2 install image location.
    • Select WAS and fixpack install image location.
    • Select features: Visualization engine, local database.
    • Enter WAS Application Server Name.
    • Select Management Server installation location.
    • Primary Kernel - Name/IP; Secondary Kernel - Name/IP; Port range custome & default.

3. 2 Given values for the non-embedded management server install input WebSphere Application Server (WAS) information, database information, feature information, installation and Kernel information so that you have an installed management server.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Select features: Visualization Engine and Create Local Database.
    • Enter WAS configuration data.
    • Choose DB2 or Oracle.
    • Enter WebSphere Application Monitoring Server application server name
    • Choose which director to install management server in.
    • Primary Kernel - Name/IP; Secondary Kernel - Name/IP; Port Range default or custome
    • Input database connection information such as users, instance, JDBC files, SID).

3. 3 Given values for management server install and values for data collector install using either the GUI or silent install, input values for target JVM, install location and managing server home so that you have an installed data collector.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Overwrite/replace java security policy.
    • Target monitored JVM, host name, SOAP port, global security username and password.
    • Select node you want to install on.
    • Select the servers to monitor.
    • Primary / Secondary Kernel Server name, Primary/Secondary Kernel database server port, Primary/Secondary RFS Server Port.
    • Install location directory name.
    • Input managing server home.  

Раздел 4 - Configuration

4. 1 Given access to the monitored WebSphere Application Server administration console, change the WebSphere PMI settings so that WebSphere PMI data collection is enabled.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • From administation console set WebSphere PMI to standard
    • Adjust variable to 'X'

4. 2 Given that you want to install the "alert" feature, record SMTP host, email sender address and email port to enable support for alerts.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Setup SMTP host.
    • Setup Email sender address.
    • Setup email port.
    • Setup SMTP

4. 3 Given the iText package, expand the package, set-up jar files and restart the management application server, so that PDF support is enabled.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Download iText jars.
    • Put jar files in Path.
    • Add jars to visualization engine.
    • Enable PDF reports.
    • Restart the application server.

4.4 Given access to Web server, edit the httpd.conf file to allow IBM WebSphere Application Monitoring to monitor Web server activity.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Set parameters in bcm.properties.
    • Update the WebSphere Appliation Server (WAS) CLASSPATH and LIBPATH.  

Раздел 5 - Administration

5. 1 Given non-configured data collector, select and apply an existing configuration (or create a custom one) so that the collector is configured.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Select unconfigured data collector.
    • Apply the appropriate configuration (J2EE, CICS, custom, etc).
    • Create custom data collector configuration to monitor Java classes and packages

5. 2 Given that you have a management server set-up, log onto console, create a server group, associate user access with the group to create a group of servers and grant users access to that group

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Log on to console and goto Administration>>Server Management>>Server Group.
    • Create Server Group and associate members and user access.

5. 3 Given that you need to set-up roles and create users, log on to the console, create roles and users under administration account management, so that roles are associated with created users.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Create users at: Administration>>Account Management>>User Profiles.
    • Create roles at: Administration>>Role Configuration.
    • Assign priviledges from list shown.

5. 4 Given proper database authority, execute the Data Trimmer job and database utilities so that obsolete data is purged and the database is maintained.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Execute the Data Trimmer job for the proper data range.
    • Reorganize the database.
    • Update database statistics.

5. 5 Given that you have the management server set-up and server groups configured, set the monitoring on demand level to L1, L2 or L3 or change the schedule associated with the server group to set the monitoring level.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Set Monitoring on Demand L1, L2 or L3 on Console. (Administration>>Monitoring on Demand)
    • Click "Schedule Change/Override" for server whose monitoring level you want to override.  

Раздел 6 - Troubleshooting

6. 1 Given installed and configured management server and data collector, locate appropriate log files, scripts and property files so that diagnostic information can be found.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Locate managing server logs.
    • Locate data collector logs.
    • Locate Visualization Engine logs.
    • Locate installation logs.

6. 2 Given that you have an installed management server and that data has arrived but no graphs are seen, confirm that the virtual frame buffer is installed or WebSphere is configured display graphics. If not, install the Virtual Frame Buffer or configure display graphics.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Confirm that Virtual Frame Buffer is installed and the "java.awt.headless" flag is not set.
    • If Virtual Frame Buffer is not installed, go install it, or add "java.awt.headless" flag to JVM Arguments.
    • Restart the WebSphere Application Monitoring application server.

6. 3 Given that you have an installed data collector running at L3 and are able not able to get method level information in reports, determine the cause and perform basic tuning of WSAM to successfully gather method level information.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Confirm running data collector at L3 and are unable to get L3 information.
    • Tune the JVM arguments for New Size and Max New Size if the application allocates many short living objects.
    • Understand basic tuning parameters to handle large volumes of data.
    • Make changes and confirm L3 information is now available.

6. 4 Given an installed data collector, determine the changes to the JVM custom properties, custom services, environment entries, change PMI settings and generic JVM arguments so that you can identify the changes made to the data collector.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Find the added generic JVM agruments.
    • Find the added custom services.
    • Find the added custom (JVM) properties
    • Identify the set environment variable.
    • Note changes to WebSphere PMI.
    • Note changes to the Java Security Policy.

6. 5 Given that the management server is installed, select the datasource in the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Administration Console, test connection and determine the cause of failures so that the management server connects to the database.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Select the datasource in the WAS Administration Console.
    • Test connection from Administation Console.
    • Test Kernel database connection.
    • Determine cause of failures.

6. 6 Given a request to change the "amuser" name or password, create a new user and/or password, change the database table and the JDBC connection information so that there is a new user or password.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Create new name if one is needed.
    • Update database's User table w/ new name.
    • Update password.
    • Update JDBC information in shell script.
    • Change file permissions if on UNIX.

6. 7 Given a request to change "amuser" in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) update the J2C authentication so that you can connect as the new user.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Log on to WAS.
    • Create new J2C authentication entry for new user.

6. 8 Given that the monitored server does not start-up, confirm JVM arguments are correct, correct the arguments and restart the application server so that the server starts up.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Confirm generic JVM arguments are correct.
    • Correct JVM arguments.
    • Restart the application server.

6. 9 Given that the data collectors do not show up in the WebSphere Studio Application Monitoring (WSAM) UI, determine cause of failures so that the data collector are in the WSAM UI.

With emphasis on performing the following steps:

    • Determine which RMI codebase files are needed.
    • Investigate and fix the management server files that are accessible from the management server.
    • Restart the application server.  

Подготовка к экзамену: 

Курсы с преподавателем:

Course title: IBM WebSphere Studio Application Monitoring 3.2 Overview
Course duration: 2 hours
Course number: N/A (Education Centers for IBM Software) Course numbers vary depending on the education delivery arm used in each geography. Please refer to the Web site below to find the appropriate course number according to the education delivery vendor chosen.
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is approved for IBM PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
Abstract: As an unintrusive management solution, IBM WebSphere Studio Application Monitor (WSAM) monitors heterogeneous environments consisting of both mainframes and distributed systems. WSAM can be used by multiple IT roles across the software life cycle, assisting in the identification, analysis and resolution of problems that adversely affect performance in production data centers.

Course title: IBM WebSphere Studio Application Monitoring 3.2 for Administrators
Course duration: 3 days Instructor Led Training
Course number: TV130 (Education Centers for IBM Software) Course numbers vary depending on the education delivery arm used in each geography. Please refer to the Web site below to find the appropriate course number according to the education delivery vendor chosen.
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is approved for IBM PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
Abstract: This is an introductory-level course for System Administrators who are responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining IBM WebSphere Studio Application Monitor in a production environment. The course will focus on installation, configuration, and basic use of the product. Hands-on exercises will give students the opportunity to deploy and use the product in a lab environment. 

General training information can also be found at: IBM IT Training 


Publication title: Redbook - WebSphere Studio Application Monitor V3.2 Advanced Usage Guide
Publication order number: SG24-6764-00
Abstract: This IBM Redbook demonstrates advanced uses of WebSphere Studio Application Monitor to solve day-to-day operational problems. The book is intended for system administrators who want to use WebSphere Studio Application Monitor for monitoring Web-based applications. We do not discuss implementation issues in this book. We present WebSphere Studio Application Monitor concepts and offer usage details such as:
System administration of day-to-day operations, from grouping and security design to maintenance tasks.
Problem determination for WebSphere-based applications to assist with common problems that may occur in your environment.
Management and analysis of composite applications, which span multiple application servers and can be hard to manage, with demonstrations of composite applications across J2EE servers, CICS, and IMS. 

Publication title: Redbook - Installing WebSphere Studio Application Monitor V3.1
Publication order number: SG24-6491-00
Abstract: This IBM Redbook is for installers of IBM WebSphere Studio Application Monitor for Multiplatforms, including performance analysts, WebSphere administrators, and technical managers. Our goal is to provide a useful overview about installing WebSphere Studio Application Monitor and, more importantly, to offer step-by-step instructions with detailed examples and illustrations.

Click here to find additional IBM WebSphere Studio Monitoring V3.2 documentation

To order publication access IBM Publications Center on the Web or by phone (note publication order number): 

IBM Publications Center

or call IBM Direct Publications: 1-800-879-2755 (US) 1-800-426-4968 (Canada) or from any non-IBM bookstore

Самостоятельная подготовка: 

Практический тест 

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1.       When planning a WebSphere Studio Application Monitor deployment, which components can be considered as candidates to be monitored?

A.      J2EE applications and MQ Series Transaction

B.      J2EE applications, IMS transactions and CICS transactions

C.      J2EE applications, Batch jobs and Operating System

D.      J2EE applications, CICS Transaction Gateway and MQ Series Transaction

2.       Which two products come embedded with the WebSphere Studio Application Monitor V3.2 Managing Server? (Choose two.)

A.      WebSphere Application Server

B.      WebLogic

C.      DB2

D.      IMS

E.       CICS

3.       Which prerequisite software is required, when installing WebSphere Studio Application Monitor V3.2 Managing Server on Windows platform?

A.      DB2

B.      WebLogic

C.      Services for UNIX (SFU) 3.5

D.      Virtual Frame Buffer (VFB) from SFU X11 Distribution

4.       WWhen asked to enter the Primary and Secondary Kernel information during the Managing Server installation, what should be used?

A.      local hostname/ip address

B.      deployment manager hostname/IP address

C.      data collector hostname/IP address

D.      remote database hostname/IP address

5.       Which statement below is correct regarding monitored servers?

A.      scan be in multiple server groups

B.      must be in only one server group

C.      z/OS and distributed servers can not be in the same group

D.      must belong to the "server view" server group and at least one user defined group

6.       If you do not provide a monitoring on demand schedule, which sampling rate is used?

A.      l1%

B.      2%

C.      4%

D.      25%

7.       Where can the Managing Server logs be found?

A.      /tmp/wsam

B.      /tmp/wsam/logs

C.      /wsam/logs

D.      /logs

8.       Which statement is true?

A.      lIf Xvfb is not running on the WebSphere Studio Application Monitoring (WSAM) Managing Server, the Managing Server installer will not work.

B.      If Xvfb is not running on the WSAM Managing Server, there is no way the graphs will display properly within the Visualization Engine.

C.      If Xvfb is not running on the WSAM Managing Server, you will not be able to log into the WSAM User Interface.

D.      Setting a custom property in WebSphere Application Server can eliminate the need for Xvfb.

9.       Which change that the Data Collector installer makes differs the most for various distributed operating systems?

A.      lGeneric JVM Arguments

B.      Environment Entries

C.      Custom Services

D.      PMI Settings

Answer Key:

5.      B

6.      AC

7.      C

8.      A

9.      A

10.  B

11.  D

12.  D

13.  B

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