Ýêçàìåí Tivoli 731: DB2 9 DBA for Linux, UNIX and Windows

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Ðàçäåë 1 - DB2 Server Management (20.5%)

A.      Ability to configure/manage DB2 instances (e.g. scope)

B.      Ability to obtain/modify database manager configuration information

C.      Ability to obtain/modify database configuration information

D.      Knowledge of the DB2 force command

E.       Ability to configure client/server connectivity

F.       Ability to schedule jobs

G.      Ability to use Automatic Maintenance (i.e., RUNSTAT, Backup, REORG)

H.      Ability to configure client server connectivity using DISCOVERY

I.        Skill in interpreting the Notify log

J.        Ability to obtain and modify DB2 registry variables

K.      Ability to use Self-tuning memory managemer and autoconfig

L.       Ability to use Throttling utilities

Ðàçäåë 2 - Data Placement (17.5%)

A.      Ability to create a database

B.      Skill in discussing the use of schemas

C.      Skill in discussing the various table space states

D.      Ability to create and manipulate the various DB2 objects

E.       Ability to create and discuss the characteristics of an SMS tablespace

F.       Ability to create and discuss the characteristics of an automated managed tablespace

G.      Knowledge of partitioning capabilities (e.g., Table partitioning, Hash partitioning, MDC, Hybrid)

H.      Knowledge of XML structure (indexing for performance)

I.        Knowledge of compression data

Ðàçäåë 3 - Database Access (11.5%)

A.      Knowledge of the creation and management of indexes

B.      Ability to create constraints on tables (e.g., RI, Informational, Unique)

C.      Ability to create views on tables

D.      Skill in examining the contents of the System Catalog tables

E.       Ability to use the GUI Tools for administration

F.       Knowledge of how to enforce data uniqueness

Ðàçäåë 4 - Analyzing DB2 Activity (13%)

A.      Ability to capture and analyze EXPLAIN/VISUAL EXPLAIN information

B.      Ability to capture snapshots using Get Snapshots or SQL functions

C.      Ability to create and activate event monitors

D.      Ability to configure Health Monitor using the Health Center

E.       Ability to identify the functions of Problem Determination Tools (e.g, db2pd, db2mtrk)

Ðàçäåë 5 - DB2 Utilities (14.5%)

A.      Ability to use EXPORT utility to extract data from a table

B.      Ability to use IMPORT utility to insert data into a table

C.      Ability to use the LOAD utility to insert data into a table

D.      Knowledge to identify when to use IMPORT vs. LOAD

E.       Ability to use the REORG, REORGCHK, REBIND and RUNSTATS utilities

F.       Ability to use DB2Move, DB2Look and DB2Batch

G.      Knowledge of the functionality of the DB2 Advisors (db2advis utility)

H.      Ability to use the DB2 Control Center

Ðàçäåë 6 - High Availability (14.5%)

A.      Ability to perform database-level and table space level BACKUP & RESTORE

B.      Knowledge to identify and explain issues on index recreation

C.      Knowledge of database logging

D.      Knowledge of crash recovery

E.       Knowledge of version recovery

F.       Knowledge of Roll Forward recovery

G.      Knowledge of and ability to perform HADR

H.      Knowledge of and ability to perform Log Mirroring

I.        Knowledge of Configurable Online Parameters

Ðàçäåë 7 - Security (8.5%)

A.      Knowledge of DB2 authentication

B.      Knowledge of DB2 authorizations

C.      Ability to set user and/or group privileges

D.      Knowledge of the DB2 Security Infrastructure (e.g. LBAC and Security Plug-ins)

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Course title: DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition
Course number: CG090 (USA); CG09XX (Worldwide)
Course duration: 3 Days
Course abstract: Get the technical information about the new functions and features in DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows since V8.2.

For information on WorldWide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number):

Course title: Query XML Data with DB2 9
Course number: CG100 (USA); CG10xxx (Worldwide)
Course duration: Days
Course abstract: This course introduces you to non-traditional ways of using DB2 to work with native Extensible Markup Language (XML) data. Also, discuss how database administrators manage the DB2 - native XML environment. Learn to query XML data that is stored in DB2 tables and how to create XML documents from traditional DB2 data. Search XML documents stored in DB2 tables and access XML documents as though the documents were relational tables.

For information on Worldwide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number):

Course title: Querying and Administering XML Data with DB2 9
Course number: CG130 (USA); CG13XX (Worldwide)
Course duration: 4 Days
Course abstract: This course introduces you to non-traditional ways of using DB2 to work with native Extensible Markup Language (XML) data. Also, discuss how database administrators manage the DB2 - native XML environment. Learn to query XML data that is stored in DB2 tables and how to create XML documents from traditional DB2 data. Search XML documents stored in DB2 tables and access XML documents as though the documents were relational tables. This content is addressed in the first two days of class and can be taken by end users or other individuals who only need to access XML data stored in DB2 tables. In the last two days of class, you will store native XML data in DB2 and create XML indexes. Analyze plan information for queries and take steps for improving query execution. Learn how to manage the XML schemas and the techniques available for decomposing the XML documents.

For information on Worldwide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number): 

Course title: DB2 Database Administration Workshop for Linux
Course number: CF201 (USA); CF20xxx (World wide)
Course duration: 4 Days
Course abstract: Learn how to perform database administration tasks such as creating DB2 instances, creating and populating databases, and using logical design to support concurrency and recovery requirements with DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. Use a Linux operating system during hands-on labs.

For information on Worldwide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number): 

Course title: DB2 Database Administration Workshop for UNIX
Course number: CF211 (USA); CF21xxx (World wide)
Course duration: 4 Days
Course abstract: Learn how to perform database administration tasks such as creating DB2 instances, creating and populating databases, and using logical design to support concurrency and recovery requirements with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Use an AIX operating system during hands-on labs.

For information on Worldwide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number): 

Course title: DB2 Database Administration Workshop for Windows
Course number: CF231 (USA); CF23xxx (Worldwide)
Course duration: 4 Days
Course abstract: Learn how to perform database administration tasks using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. These tasks include creating DB2 instances, creating and populating databases, and using logical design to support concurrency and recovery requirements. Use a Windows operating system during hands-on labs.

For information on Worldwide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number):

Course title: Fast Path to DB2 9 for Experienced Relational DBAs
Course number: CF282 (USA); CF28xxx (Worldwide)
Course duration: 3 Days
Course abstract: Learn how to perform basic database administration tasks using IBM DB2. These tasks include creating and populating databases and implementing a logical design to support recovery requirements. Explore a fast path to DB2 9 database administration skills for experienced relational Database Administrators (DBA). Examine the skills needed for DB2 Certification Tests 701 and 731.

For information on Worldwide pricing, scheduling and course registration (note course code number): 

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Tutorial: DB2 9 DBA for Linux, Unix and Windows Exam 731 Certification Preparation Tutorial Series
Abstract: This series of 7 tutorials provides a solid base for each section of the new DB2 9 DBA exam available September 2006. They can help you attain a level of certification that can validate your database administration skills on DB2 9, help you use your DB2 knowledge to more successfully to design, implement and administer databases and reduce complexity and time creating an application. Each tutorial should take about an hour to complete. You can take the tutorials online, or download a PDF or zip file 


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