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Использование CAST и табличных функций в PL/SQL (Листинги)Источник: CITFORUM Джим Козупрински, PC Week/RE
/* // Листинг 1. Функция CAST и табличные функции //Содержит практические примеры применения // CAST и табличных функций // //автор: Jim Czuprynski // // Предупреждение: // Этот скрипт предназначен только для демонстрации различных // возможности Oracle и должен быть тщательнопроверен перед выполнением // на любой работающей базе данных Oracle, чтобы исключить какую-либо // потенциальную опасность. // */ ----- -- Листинг1.1: Сортировка PL/SQL, включаемая по CAST ----- DROP TYPE person_names_t; CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE person_names_t AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100); SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE -- List of presidents since 1932, in no particular order presidents_t person_names_t := person_names_t( 'Bush, George W. - 2000', 'Bush, George H. W. - 1988', 'Johnson, Lyndon B. - 1963', 'Reagan, Ronald W. - 1980', 'Clinton, William J. -1992', 'Truman, Harry S. - 1945', 'Roosevelt, Franklin D. - 1932', 'Eisenhower, Dwight D. - 1952', 'Kennedy, John F. - 1960', 'Nixon, Richard M. - 1968', 'Ford, Gerald R. - 1976', 'Carter, Jimmy - 1980' ); BEGIN -- Display all table entries in descending sequence DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Presidents after 1932, in reverse alphabetical order:'); FOR rec IN (SELECT column_value favs FROM TABLE (CAST (presidents_t AS person_names_t)) ORDER BY column_value DESC) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec.favs); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / ----- -- Листинг 1.2: Использование CAST с групповыми функциями ----- DROP TYPE numbers_t; CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE numbers_t AS TABLE OF NUMBER(10); DECLARE random_numbers numbers_t := numbers_t( 1000, 100, 500, 3000, 4000, 2000, 300, 400, 200 ); tot_entries NUMBER(10) := 0; sum_number NUMBER(10) := 0; min_number NUMBER(10) := 0; max_number NUMBER(10) := 0; BEGIN SELECT SUM(Column_value) total, COUNT(Column_value) tally, MIN(Column_value) bottom, MAX(Column_value) top INTO sum_number, tot_entries, min_number, max_number FROM TABLE(CAST(random_numbers AS numbers_t)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Results from Random Number Survey'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Count: ' // tot_entries ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total: ' // sum_number ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Minimum: ' // min_number ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Maximum: ' // max_number ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / ----- -- Листинг 1.3: Создание объектных TYPE и табличная функция ----- DROP TYPE wgt_cost_ctr; DROP TYPE wgt_cost_ctr_t; CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE wgt_cost_ctr IS OBJECT ( cc_lvl NUMBER(3), cc_nbr NUMBER(5), cc_value VARCHAR2(32) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE wgt_cost_ctr_t AS TABLE OF wgt_cost_ctr; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hr.sf_gather_cost_centers ( a_employee_id IN hr.employees.employee_id%TYPE ) RETURN hr.wgt_cost_ctr_t IS /* // Функция: sf_gather_cost_centers // // Описание: Использование типа Cost Center, ассоциированного с имеющимся // списком служащих для выбора кредитных организаций, подходящих к иерархии // Отделение/Отдел/Служащий */ l_department_id NUMBER(5) := 0; l_division_id NUMBER(5) := 0; retval wgt_cost_ctr_t := wgt_cost_ctr_t(); CURSOR cur_cost_ctr_asgn ( a_entity_id IN hr.cost_center_assignments.entity_id%TYPE, a_entity_type IN hr.cost_center_assignments.entity_type%TYPE ) IS SELECT DECODE(a_entity_type,'V', 1, 'D', 2, 'E', 3, NULL) cc_lvl, CCA.cost_ctr_id cc_nbr, CC.description cc_value FROM hr.cost_center_assignments CCA, hr.cost_centers CC WHERE CCA.COST_CTR_ID = CC.COST_CTR_ID AND CCA.entity_id = a_entity_id AND CCA.entity_type = a_entity_type; PROCEDURE expand_collection (cc_in IN wgt_cost_ctr) IS /* // Procedure: expand_collection // Adds the specified entry to the collection */ BEGIN retval.EXTEND; retval(retval.LAST) := cc_in; END; BEGIN -- Get the Department ID and Division ID for the specified Employee SELECT E.department_id, D.division_id INTO l_department_id, l_division_id FROM hr.employees E, hr.departments D, hr.divisions V WHERE E.Department_Id = D.Department_Id AND D.division_id = V.division_id AND E.employee_id = a_employee_id; -- Gather eligible Cost Centers for the specified Employee FOR rec_cost_ctr_asgn IN cur_cost_ctr_asgn(a_employee_id, 'E') LOOP expand_collection(wgt_cost_ctr( rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_lvl, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_nbr, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_value) ); END LOOP; -- Gather eligible Cost Centers for the specified Employee's Department FOR rec_cost_ctr_asgn IN cur_cost_ctr_asgn(l_department_id, 'D') LOOP expand_collection(wgt_cost_ctr( rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_lvl, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_nbr, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_value) ); END LOOP; -- Gather eligible Cost Centers for the specified Employee's Division FOR rec_cost_ctr_asgn IN cur_cost_ctr_asgn(l_division_id, 'V') LOOP expand_collection(wgt_cost_ctr( rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_lvl, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_nbr, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_value) ); END LOOP; RETURN retval; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Fatal error encountered!'); RETURN retval; END sf_gather_cost_centers; / ----- -- Листинг 1.4: Использование табличной функции с CAST ----- SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST (sf_gather_cost_centers (114) AS wgt_cost_ctr_t)); SELECT * FROM TABLE (CAST (sf_gather_cost_centers (120) AS wgt_cost_ctr_t)); SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT * FROM TABLE (CAST (sf_gather_cost_centers (120) AS wgt_cost_ctr_t)) ORDER BY cc_lvl DESC ) WHERE rownum <= 5; ----- -- Листинг 1.5: Использование коныейерной (PIPELINED) табличной функции ----- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hr.sf_gather_cost_centers ( a_employee_id IN hr.employees.employee_id%TYPE ) RETURN hr.wgt_cost_ctr_t PIPELINED IS /* // Функция: sf_gather_cost_centers (конвейерная) // // // */ l_department_id NUMBER(5) := 0; l_division_id NUMBER(5) := 0; CURSOR cur_cost_ctr_asgn ( a_entity_id IN hr.cost_center_assignments.entity_id%TYPE, a_entity_type IN hr.cost_center_assignments.entity_type%TYPE ) IS SELECT DECODE(a_entity_type,'V', 1, 'D', 2, 'E', 3, NULL) cc_lvl, CCA.cost_ctr_id cc_nbr, CC.description cc_value FROM hr.cost_center_assignments CCA, hr.cost_centers CC WHERE CCA.COST_CTR_ID = CC.COST_CTR_ID AND CCA.entity_id = a_entity_id AND CCA.entity_type = a_entity_type; BEGIN -- Get the Department ID and Division ID for the specified Employee SELECT E.department_id, D.division_id INTO l_department_id, l_division_id FROM hr.employees E, hr.departments D, hr.divisions V WHERE E.Department_Id = D.Department_Id AND D.division_id = V.division_id AND E.employee_id = a_employee_id; -- Gather eligible Cost Centers for the specified Employee FOR rec_cost_ctr_asgn IN cur_cost_ctr_asgn(a_employee_id, 'E') LOOP PIPE ROW(wgt_cost_ctr( rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_lvl, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_nbr, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_value) ); END LOOP; -- Gather eligible Cost Centers for the specified Employee's Department FOR rec_cost_ctr_asgn IN cur_cost_ctr_asgn(l_department_id, 'D') LOOP PIPE ROW(wgt_cost_ctr( rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_lvl, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_nbr, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_value) ); END LOOP; -- Gather eligible Cost Centers for the specified Employee's Division FOR rec_cost_ctr_asgn IN cur_cost_ctr_asgn(l_division_id, 'V') LOOP PIPE ROW(wgt_cost_ctr( rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_lvl, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_nbr, rec_cost_ctr_asgn.cc_value) ); END LOOP; RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Fatal error encountered!'); RETURN; END sf_gather_cost_centers; / ----- -- Листинг 1.6: Использование конвейерной табличной функции с CAST ----- SELECT * FROM TABLE (sf_gather_cost_centers (114)); SELECT * FROM TABLE (sf_gather_cost_centers (120)); SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT * FROM TABLE (sf_gather_cost_centers (120)) ORDER BY cc_lvl DESC ) WHERE rownum <= 5; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Листинг 2. /* // Примеры CAST и табличных функций // // Этот скрипт содержит DDL- и DML- предложения, требуемые для // создания новых таблиц и модификации существующих в учебной // схеме HR базы данных Oracle для демонстрации возможностей функции // CAST и табличных функций // // Автор: Jim Czuprynski // / Предупреждение: // Этот скрипт предназначен только для демонстрации различных // возможности Oracle и должен быть тщательнопроверен перед выполнением // на любой работающей базе данных Oracle, чтобы исключить какую-либо // потенциальную опасность. // */ ----- -- Create and load new table in the HR schema to store Divisions ----- DROP TABLE hr.divisions CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE hr.divisions ( division_id NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO hr.divisions (division_id, description) VALUES (10000, 'Executive'); INSERT INTO hr.divisions (division_id, description) VALUES (20000, 'Administrative'); INSERT INTO hr.divisions (division_id, description) VALUES (30000, 'Construction'); COMMIT; ----- -- Create and populate new DIVISION_ID column in the DEPARTMENTS table ----- ALTER TABLE hr.departments ADD division_id NUMBER(5); ALTER TABLE hr.departments ADD CONSTRAINT department_division_fk FOREIGN KEY (division_id) REFERENCES hr.divisions(division_id); -- Assign departments to Executive division UPDATE hr.departments SET division_id = 10000 WHERE department_id IN (10, 20, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90); COMMIT; -- Assign departments to Construction division UPDATE hr.departments SET division_id = 30000 WHERE department_id IN (30, 50, 170, 180, 190, 200); COMMIT; -- Assign all other departments to Administrative division UPDATE hr.departments SET division_id = 20000 WHERE division_id IS NULL; COMMIT; ----- -- Create and load a new table in the HR schema to store Cost Centers ----- DROP TABLE hr.cost_centers CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE hr.cost_centers ( cost_ctr_id NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL, selectable CHAR(1) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE hr.cost_centers ADD CONSTRAINT cc_selectable_ck CHECK (selectable IN ('Y','N')); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (10000, 'Sales and Management', 'N'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (20000, 'Administrative', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (30000, 'Homebuilding', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (11000, 'Owners', 'N'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (12000, 'Sales and Marketing', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (12100, 'Outside Sales', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (12200, 'Sales Support', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (21000, 'Office Supplies', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (22000, 'Human Resources', 'N'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (23000, 'Architectural', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (23100, 'Blueprinting', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (23200, 'Planning', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (31000, 'Exterior Construction', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (31100, 'Wall and Floor Setting', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (31200, 'Concrete and Foundation', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (31300, 'Rough Landscaping', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (31400, 'Finish Landscaping', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (32000, 'Carpentry - General', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (32100, 'Rough Carpentry', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (32200, 'Finish Carpentry', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (33000, 'Plumbing - General', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (33100, 'Rough-In Plumbing', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (33200, 'Finish Plumbing', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (34000, 'Physical Plant', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (34100, 'HVAC', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (35000, 'Interior Construction', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (35100, 'Wallboarding and Plastering', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (35200, 'Painting', 'Y'); INSERT INTO hr.cost_centers (cost_ctr_id, description, selectable) VALUES (35300, 'Flooring', 'Y'); COMMIT; ----- -- Create table for Cost Center Assignments ----- DROP TABLE hr.cost_center_assignments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE hr.cost_center_assignments ( entity_id NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, entity_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, seq_nbr NUMBER(5) NOT NULL, cost_ctr_id NUMBER(5) NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE hr.cost_center_assignments ADD CONSTRAINT cost_center_assignments_pk PRIMARY KEY (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr); ALTER TABLE hr.cost_center_assignments ADD CONSTRAINT cost_center_assignments_fk FOREIGN KEY (cost_ctr_id) REFERENCES hr.cost_centers(cost_ctr_id); -- Load Division-level cost center assignments INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (10000, 'V', 1, 10000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (20000, 'V', 1, 20000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (30000, 'V', 1, 30000); COMMIT; -- Load Department-level cost center assignments INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (30, 'D', 1, 21000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (30, 'D', 2, 23100); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (30, 'D', 3, 23200); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (50, 'D', 1, 31000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (50, 'D', 2, 33000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (50, 'D', 3, 33000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (50, 'D', 4, 34000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (50, 'D', 5, 35000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (80, 'D', 1, 12000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (80, 'D', 2, 12100); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (80, 'D', 3, 12200); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (80, 'D', 4, 21000); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (110, 'D', 1, 21000); -- Load Employee-level cost center assignments INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (114, 'E', 1, 35100); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (120, 'E', 1, 35100); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (120, 'E', 2, 35200); INSERT INTO hr.cost_center_assignments (entity_id, entity_type, seq_nbr, cost_ctr_id) VALUES (120, 'E', 3, 35300); COMMIT; ----- -- Sample queries ----- -- Show all Cost Center entries SELECT * FROM HR.cost_centers ORDER BY cost_ctr_id -- Show all Cost Center Assignment entries SELECT * FROM HR.cost_center_assignments -- Show all Division / Department / Employee hierarchy entries and details SELECT D.division_id, V.description, D.department_name, E.department_id, E.employee_id, E.last_name FROM divisions V, departments D, employees E WHERE E.department_id = D.department_id AND d.division_id = V.division_id ORDER BY D.Division_Id, e.department_id, e.employee_id |