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Курс "80310 Бережливое производство в Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012"

Код: 80310
Специализация: Microsoft Dynamics Ax (Axapta)

Продолжительность - 4 дня

Производится набор группы

Стоимость:  80 000 руб.  

80310 LEAN Manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

About this Course

This course provides students with a detailed overview of the Lean Manufacturing module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. It provides a description of the main features and processes used to run lean manufacturing and includes detailed labs, scenarios, examples, and demonstrations that range from understanding and configuring different types of Kanbans, to subcontracting and setting up production flow costing.

Audience Profile

This course is intended for:

  • Partners, consultants, presales consultants, and professionals that have a moderate understanding of basic Lean Manufacturing concepts and production processes.

At Course Completion

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the core concepts of Lean manufacturing.
  • Create a new production flow version and describe activity relations and constraints, picking activities and costing implications.
  • Define Kanbans and describe their types including: withdrawal, fixed quantity, event, scheduled and subcontracting Kanbans.
  • Explain how fixed quantity Kanbans are used including how to set up rules, review planning processes, and use the Kanban schedule board.
  • Describe how event Kanbans are used including how to configure rules, set up sales line events, Kanban line events, BOM line events and stock replenishment events.
  • Describe the processes associated with the planned order type Kanban.
  • Define and setup activity based subcontracting.
  • Describe production flow costing including: back flushing, conversion costs, cost reporting to the general ledger, and how production costing is set up for a Kanban job based on subcontracting activity.
  • Define how to set up and configure Kanban quantity calculation policies and how to create quantity calculations to generate and update Kanban rules.

Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Basic Knowledge of Lean Manufacturing principles and processes.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Production.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trade and Logistics.

Course Outline

Module 1: Concepts and Overview

This module provides the conceptual foundation for an appropriate understanding of the basic concepts in Lean manufacturing, including the structure of the Lean functionality, and the required setup in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.

Module 2: Production Flows

This module explains the purpose of production flows, how to set them up, how they are vital as the foundation for the Lean manufacturing in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, and the implications that the production flow has from a costing and inventory point of view.

Module 3: Use and Manage Kanbans

This module provides a base level introduction into the various types of Kanbans and an overview of how they are best used in the Lean manufacturing production environment.

Module 4: Fixed Quantity Kanbans

This module explains how to set up and process fixed quantity Kanbans, including rule setup, job planning, using schedule boards, and processing Kanban jobs.

Module 5: Event Kanbans

Since event Kanbans are only created out of related demand, they belong to the production category of "make-to-order" and are created when certain events occur. This module describes these events and how to set up and process event Kanbans.

Module 7: Activity Based Subcontracting

This module describes how subcontracting can be set up in a Lean production environment to allow manufacturing activities to be performed by outside vendors.

Module 8: Production Flow Costing

This module explains the costing setup required to work with production flows in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. It also describes how the flow of costs that originate from the transactions are used to process the Kanbans within these production flows.

Module 9: Kanban Quantity Calculations

This module explains how to setup, use and process Kanban calculations in order to adjust the Kanban rules.

Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональная система управления ресурсами предприятия (ERP II) для средних и крупных компаний. Она охватывает все области менеджмента: производство и дистрибуцию, цепочки поставок и проекты, финансы и средства бизнес-анализа, взаимоотношения с клиентами и персоналом.
Microsoft Dynamics® AX – глобальная система управления, ориентированная на менеджмент крупных и средних компаний. Курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX дают сотрудникам знания, необходимые для использования всего функционала программного продукта, и практические навыки их применения для повышения динамики производства на всех этапах, оптимизации управления проектами, сокращения цепочки поставщик-клиент и много другого. Главное преимущество Microsoft Dynamics® AX – многофункциональность. Эта система рассчитана на все уровни управления компанией, начиная от проставления задач и контроля сдачи проекта, заканчивая бухгалтерским учетом и средствами бизнес-аналитики. Кроме того, Microsoft Dynamics® AX способна оптимизировать взаимоотношения компания-клиент (при условии грамотного использования функциональных возможностей системы). Обучающие курсы Microsoft Dynamics® AX – это возможность развивать свой бизнес и идти в ногу с современными трендами!

Продемонстрируйте свои знания в продукте Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, успешно сдав экзамен Microsoft Specialist.

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По окончании авторизованного курса Microsoft выдаётся международный сертификат Microsoft

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