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Курс "OD10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell"

Код: OD10961
Специализация: Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand (дистанционное обучение)

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Learn how with Windows PowerShell 4.0, you can remotely manage multiple Windows based servers and automate day to day management and administration tasks.
The course is built on Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 and while it is specifically focused on Windows PowerShell v4.0, is also relevant in v2.0 and v3.0 Windows PowerShell environments
This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use Windows PowerShell 4.0 for administering and automating administration of Windows based servers. It focuses on primary Windows PowerShell command-line features and techniques, and will provide pre-requisite skills supporting a broad range of Microsoft products, including Windows Server, Windows Client, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, System Center, and more. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any one of those products, although Windows Server (which is the common platform for all of those) will serve as the example for the techniques being taught.
In this course you will learn to execute and monitor scripts more efficiently through more robust session connectivity, workflow capabilities, enhanced job scheduling, and Windows PowerShell Web Access. Learn Windows PowerShell with greater ease through improved cmdlet discovery and simplified, consistent syntax across all cmdlets. Write Windows PowerShell scripts quicker and more intuitively through the new Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) that enables script sharing, which connects IT pros to a larger Windows PowerShell user community. Learn all this and more in this On Demand Microsoft Official Course in Windows PowerShell 4.0.


This course is intended for IT Professionals already experienced in general Windows Server and Windows Client administration or already experienced in administering and supporting Application servers and services including applications like Exchange, SharePoint, and SQL. It is broadly intended for students who want to use Windows PowerShell to automate administrative tasks from the command line, using any Microsoft or independent software vendor (ISV) product that supports Windows PowerShell manageability.

This course is not intended to be a scripting or programming course, and includes only basic coverage of scripting and programming topics. Students are not expected to have prior scripting or programming experience, and are not expected to have prior Windows PowerShell experience

Предварительный уровень знаний:
Изучив данный курс, Вы сможете:
  • Understand the basic concepts behind Windows PowerShell
  • Work with the Pipeline
  • Understand How the Pipeline Works
  • Use PSProviders and PSDrives
  • Format Output
  • Use WMI and CIM
  • Prepare for Scripting
  • Moving From a Command to a Script to a Module
  • Administer Remote Computers
  • Put the various Windows PowerShell components together
  • Use Background Jobs and Scheduled Jobs
  • Use Advanced PowerShell Techniques and Profiles

Программа курса

Module 1. Getting Started with Windows PowerShell

This module introduces students to Windows PowerShell, its purpose and history. The module will also cover the basics of using the shell, including the help system, command syntax, command discovery explaining the use of the two built-in host applications.

  • Overview and Background
  • Finding and Learning Commands
  • Running Commands
  • Lab: Configuring Windows PowerShellLab : Finding and Running Basic Commands

Module 2. Working with the Pipeline
This module covers the Windows PowerShell pipeline along with a number of additional techniques and commands, including customizing command output, exporting and converting data, sorting objects, filtering objects, and enumerating objects allowing for the overall retrieval, manipulation and displaying of data.

  • Understanding the Pipeline
  • Selecting, Sorting, and Measuring Objects
  • Converting, Exporting, and Importing Objects
  • Filtering Objects Out of the Pipeline
  • Enumerating Objects in the Pipeline
  • Lab: Using the PipelineLab : Converting, Exporting, and Importing ObjectsLab : Filtering ObjectsLab : Enumerating Objects

Module 3. Understanding How the Pipeline Works
This module explains the underlying details of how Windows PowerShell passes objects from command to command within the pipeline. Having seen it in action in the previous module will now get to see some of the theory under the hood. The emphasis will be on two specific techniques used by the shell and students will learn to explain the pipeline operation, predict command behavior and allows them construct more useful, predictable commands.

  • Passing Data in the Pipeline By Value
  • Passing Data in the Pipeline By Property Name
  • Lab: Working with Pipeline Parameter Binding

Module 4. Using PSProviders and PSDrivesThis module explains the purpose and use of Windows PowerShell PSProviders and PSDrives, and shows students how to use these useful components for administrative tasks. Students will also learn to use the -item* commands to manipulate items within a PSDrive.

  • Using PSProviders
  • Using PSDrives
  • Lab: Using PSProviders and PSDrives

Module 5. Formatting OutputThis module demonstrates how to format command output and how to create custom output elements.

  • Using Basic Formatting
  • Using Advanced Formatting
  • Redirecting Formatted Output
  • Lab: Formatting Output

Module 6. Querying Management Information by Using WMI and CIM

This module explains Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Common Information Model (CIM), and shows students how to retrieve and in some cases modify management information about local and remote computers.

  • Understanding WMI and CIM
  • Querying Data with WMI and CIM
  • Making Changes by Using WMI and CIM
  • Lab: Working with WMI and CIM

Module 7. Preparing for Scripting

This module prepares students for writing scripts with Windows PowerShell, covering the Windows PowerShell security model and the use of variables.

  • Using Variables
  • Scripting Security
  • Lab: Working with Security in Windows PowerShell

Module 8. Moving From a Command to Script to Module

This module shows students how to take a command that runs well in the console and turn it into a parameterized, reusable script, and how to evolve that script into a standalone script module. Students will learn the foundations needed to create their own reusable tools.

  • Moving From Command to Script
  • Moving From Script to Function to Module
  • Implementing Basic Error Handling
  • Using Basic Scripting Constructs
  • Exploring Other Scripting Features
  • Lab: Moving From Command to ScriptLab : Moving From Script to Function to ModuleLab : Implementing Basic Error HandlingLab : Creating an Advanced Function

Module 9. Administering Remote Computers

This module explains Windows PowerShell remoting, and shows students how to configure and use remoting to manage multiple remote computers.

  • Using Basic Remoting
  • Using Advanced Remoting Techniques
  • Using Remoting Sessions
  • Lab: Using Basic RemotingLab : Using Remoting Sessions

Module 10. Putting it All Together

This module offers students an opportunity to use everything they have learned so far. Students will discover, learn, and run commands that perform a complex, real-world administrative task.

  • Provisioning a New Server Core Instance
  • Lab: Provisioning a New Server Core Installation

Module 11. Using Background Jobs and Scheduled Jobs

In this module students will learn to create and manage background jobs and scheduled jobs.

  • Using Background Jobs
  • Using Scheduled Jobs
  • Lab: Using Background JobsLab : Using Scheduled Jobs

Module 12. Using Profiles and Advanced PowerShell Techniques

This module covers a variety of additional advanced Windows PowerShell features and techniques including additional comparison operators, use of alternate credentials, creation of profile scripts, manipulation of strings and date objects.

  • Using Advanced PowerShell Techniques
  • Creating Profile Scripts
  • Working With Alternative Credentials
  • Lab: Practicing Advanced Techniques

Также Вы можете прослушать курс 10961 Автоматизация административных задач при помощи Windows PowerShell 3.0 на русском языке, который проводится Сертифицированными тренерами Microsoft в современно оборудованных классах нашего Центра

Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand (MOC On-Demand) включают в себя видео, текстовые материалы, практические задания и тесты для проверки знаний, позволяющие получить навыки работы с технологиями Microsoft. Каждый участник может выбрать свой график занятий и темп изучения материала, а также учиться, не выходя из дома. Вам не придется тратить время и деньги на дорогу до учебного центра и подстраивать свой график под расписание занятий. Официальные курсы Microsoft On-Demand можно пройти в любое время и в удобном для вас месте: для этого потребуется только компьютер с доступом в Интернет.

Курсы MOC On-Demand включают в себя тщательно подобранные профессиональные учебные материалы, разработанные специалистами Microsoft. После успешного прохождения курсов вы получаете официальные документы, подтверждающие вашу квалификацию и способствующие продвижению вашей карьеры в сфере ИТ.

Курсы MOC On-Demand в настоящее время доступны только на английском языке.

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