FAQ for PayDox (21.03.02) Version 1.5

  1. Can data be directly entered manually into PAYDOX - Yes, you can enter your data manually
  2. Can data received by e-mail directly be added to PAYDOX using APIs provided by PAYDOX solution - Yes, APIs would be available with PAYDOX to enable Data to move between PAYDOX and existing solutions / applications. The existing application could be for any purpose and on any platform / database
    Can data be stored in MS Word and Excel files - Yes, it can be stored as it is in the PAYDOX database
  3. What company possesses the right for the product? - © 2001, 2002 PayBot, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
  4. What language is the solution localized. - The solution presently is localized for two languages Russian and English. But it can be easily localized to any other language.
  5. Does PAYDOX have APIs connecting it to imaging software's? - You can use on the client's side any imaging software - usually browser, or any others - graphic editors etc.
  6. Can scanned images be stored and maintained within the PAYDOX solution? - Sure, for ex. scanned documents having stamps, manual signatures etc. can be uploaded to PAYDOX
  7. Is there any scheduler attached to move data using the APIs? - No. Customers can specify their such special requirements for system implementation
  8. Can both PUSH & PULL mechanism be used to move data between PAYDOX and other solutions? - No. To implement some PUSH functions customers can specify their requirements for system implementation
  9. Can voice and video files be stored as part of PAYDOX database? - Yes, any file types can be uploaded to PAYDOX
  10. Is there any audit log trail of work done in PAYDOX solution? - Yes, all user actions info stored in audit log being accessible for system admin.
  11. Does PayDox allow version control? - PayDox is easy to be installed and allows version control.
  12. Are the software products compatible with EVM standards? - PayDox is compatible with EVM (Earned Value Project Management) standard and enables to create new projects on the basis of other reputable projects.