Rational ClearCase
Featuring Unified
Change Management
"IDC expects
Rational to continue as a market leader through the ClearCase and ClearQuest
integration… Clearcase and ClearQuest together bring a new level of power,
control, and management to the development process." IDC, "Rational
Makes a Clear Case |
A Unified Approach to Managing
Change is an essential part of software develop-ment, Every enhancement request or defect fix entails managing changes to evolving software artifacts and source code.
Over the past 17 years, Rational Software has worked with hundreds of companies on thou-sands of projects, to help companies build software more efficiently. We noticed that the most successful projects followed a common set of change management practices. We also noticed that it was often difficult to implement these practices, due to lack of tool support.
solution: Rational Unified Change Manage-ment (UCM), Rational's "best practices"
approach to managing change from requirements to release. Unified Change Management
defines a consistent process for managing change through-out the development
lifecycle. It is a key com-ponent of the Rational Unified Process a comprehensive
framework for delivering best software development practices.
The foundation of UCM is Rational's market-lead-ing change management solutions, Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest.
Rational ClearCase is the world's market-lead-ing configuration management solution. Far more than a version control system, ClearCase helps teams accelerate development cycles, ensure the accuracy of releases, reliably build and patch pre-viously shipped products, and organize a paral-lel development process.
Rational ClearQuest is the industry's most flex-ible change request management solution ClearQuest allows teams to track and manage activities from initial assignment through final resolution, and easily adapts to the way you work.
Together, Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest empower organizations to:
Easy to Adopt
Within Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest, Unified
Change Management is implemented with an optional, out-of-the-box development
process. This optional process can be adopted on a project-by-project basis.
By UCM-enabling a project, organizations automate and accelerate the steps required
UCM-enabled projects help every member of the team get up-and-runnmg quickly with built-in change management support.
Managers: Track & Organize Projects
UCM-enabled projects empower managers to graph-ically organize projects, define
workflows, and track project metrics. Organizations can define a custom workflow
for each activity type, such as a Defect Fix or Enhancement Request. By configuring
workflows to mirror existing business processes, organizations avoid the pitfalls
of "top-down" process enforcement. Managers can assign incoming activities to
the first-available, qualified individual, or match people to assignments on
an individual basis. Comprehensive reporting makes it easy Lo balance work loads,
identify skill gaps, and ensure that all high-priority tasks are assigned to
the right team members.
As projects progress, Rational ClearQuest metrics provide managers with the exact status of their pro-jects When can we ship? Who is overloaded with work? What defects are resolved in Baseline X? Which source code was modified to implement Enhancement Y? Managers can create their own view of data with ClearQuest's flexible query and report templates, or explore predefined Trend, aging, and distribution reports.
Developers: Accelerate Development
By automating many time-consuming tasks, the UCM approach allows developers
to concentrate more fully on higher-level activities. Developers get up and
running quickly by simply joining a project and selecting an activity. ClearCase
automatically populates and maintains developer work areas with the right set
of file versions. As work progresses, ClearCase assembles complete change set
infor-mation transparently and "behind the scenes", ensuring that all changes
are delivered and pro-moted as a consistent unit. Code reviews that once took
hours can be accomplished in a matter of min-utes, as Rational ClearCase presents
both old and new code side-by-side.
The UCM process strikes just The right balance between code sharing and isolation Private work areas allow developers to protect their work from potentially destabilizing changes made by other developers. Too long a period of isolation, howev-er, can result in difficult integrations, code conflicts and inevitable rework. ClearCase allows develop-ers to work in isolation, then test their changes against the latest team updates. Periodically, devel-opers can also refresh their work areas to reflect the latest project baselines. This highly collabora-tive approach allows developers to identify code conflicts earlier in the development cycle, when They are significantly less costly to fix.
Testers: Streamline QA Activities
The Kational approach to change management replaces hours of QA guesswork with
concrete, actionable information. Test professionals can eas-ily identify what
enhancement requests and bug fixes have been made between baselines, and con-centrate
their efforts on the least stable function-ality. A detailed "Bill of Materials"
reports the exact compiler, operating system CPU and source objects associated
with a software build, helping engineers pinpoint elusive, configuration-specific
build errors.
Release Engineers: Control Quality
With UCM, release engineers manage software qual-ity through explicit baseline
creation and promo-tion. The UCM process makes baseline creation fast and easy
First, developers invoke a UCM wizard to deliver completed activities to a central
project integration area. During the delivery, ClearCase merges all changes
with mainline development -handling simple merges automatically, and high-lighting
code conflicts for quick resolution when necessary. Next, a designated Release
Engineer selects which activities should be included in a new baseline. As the
baseline passes QA checks, it is promoted to successive quality levels, such
as Initial, Built, Tested, Released, and Rejected. Baseline management provides
The entire team with a set of stable, consistent file versions to work with.
Comprehensive change set support allows organizations to control, track, and
back out of changes in dynamic environments.
Automate Team Collaboration
Today's software development teams are as varied and dynamic as the projects
they support. Today's development teams span multiple cities and con-tinents,
development platforms, and functional skill sets. What's required is a change
management solu-tion that can unify these full-time and part-time, local and
remote, dedicated and occasional con-tributors into a coherent group.
Rational's team-unifying solution provides univer-sal access to common project information, when and where it's needed. Any team member can access project metrics, review personal or group To Do Lists, explore change request history, or look up current activity or baseline status.Rational ClearCase supports teams of any size or configuration, including cross-platform, distrib-uted, and cross-functional teams.
Rational ClearCase provides several ways for team members to participate fully in the development process. Remote team members, customers and other stakeholders can access project information through universal Web clients. For organizations pursuing collaborative development across cities or continents, Rational offers the only secure, high-performance solution, based on proven, ClearCase MultiSite technology.
Rational's change management solution gives orga-nizations the flexibility they need to leverage all development resources, no matter where they are located. The Rational solution easily adapts to changing organizational needs, and positions com-panies for success in fast-changing, rapid-growth environments.
Support Cross-Functional Teams
Rational's change management solution works hand-in-hand with leading Rational
tools to sup-port cross-functional teams composed of cus-tomers, analysts, system
architects, developers, and testers. Integrations with Rational products go
far beyond shared icons to provide meaningful func-tional integration and common
data access. Together, Rational ClearCase and Rational Suited-support every
phase of the software development lifecycle.
Scale to Meet Your Evolving Needs
The Rational approach to change management scales seamlessly from small development
shops to global, 24õ7 development efforts. ClearQuest data is stored in scalable,
SQL databases, while ClearCase distributes development assets across one or
more high-performance databases. Both ClearCase and ClearQuest support a full
comple-ment of Windows and UNIX platforms and IDE integrations. Full-featured
Web clients provide universal data access from any Web browser.
Unify Teams Around the World
Rational Clear-Case offers the only proven, high-performance solution for geographically
distrib-uted project teams, ClearCase MultiSite is the industry standard for
remote team-based collabo-ration, making non-stop, parallel development a practical
reality. Explicit "publish and subscribe" relationships empower teams to share
code and collaborate on projects across sites.
Accelerate e-business
Rational ClearCase provides the ideal Web devel-opment infrastructure for organizing
and acceler-ating mission-critical e-development projects. ClearCase empowers
Web development teams to accelerate publishing cycles, ensure the accuracy of
published content., organize an effective, dis-tributed Web development process,
and roll back to any current or previous Web site version.
Unify Content and Code
While most organizations actively manage their back-end applications, front-end
Web content is typically subject to informal, ad-hoc or arbitrary change management
procedures. The end result is broken links, garbled scripts, and missing or
unauthorized Web content. Rational ClearCase provides a single solution that
spans both Web code and content. By managing all Web assets with common tools
and procedures, organiza-tions lower operating costs while extending best practices
support to their most strategic projects.
Organize Web Staging
Rational ClearCase "Views" offer all the advan-tages of multiple, simultaneous
Web staging sites, with none of the disadvantages of copy-based models.ClearCase
Views allow testers to test one Web release, content developers to work on another
Web release, and Webmasters to roll-back to a third Web release - all without
introducing data redundancy or copy errors. Testers and approvers can verify
Web updates with maximum efficiency - and without having to "freeze" ongoing
ClearCase Views allow your team to:
Reduce Time-to-Web
ClearCase's concurrent development environ-ment allows multiple contributors
to work on the same Web content, preview outcomes in HTML or XML, then safely
and selectively merge final output. A highly efficient, test-in-place devel-opment
model allows contributors to edit content in isolation, then instantly preview
The results of their work against The latest Web changes.
Secure e-business Assets
Whether you arc upgrading a single e-commerce application or deploying an entire
Web site, Rational ClearCase reduces the risk of staging, deployment, and rollback.
Unlike most configura-tion management products, ClearCase versions directories
and folders to ensure Web site integrity. With Rational ClearCase, no mailer
what happens, your critical Web assets can't be lost, overwritten, or sabotaged.
Protect Your Investments
The Rational approach to e-development is open, extensible, and standards-based.
As an active member of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Rational
drives standards in key Internet technologies, and is co-editor of the WebDAV
specification for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. An investment in
Rational change management solutions will keep your team ahead of the technology
curve for years to come.
"We are able to do transnational development that we were absolutely unable
to do before. We can make use of skilled programmers wherever we find them,
and avoid layoffs and rehire cycles...The Rational solution truly lets us use
resources in a way we never could before."
Charlotte Payne, Senior Engineer, Siemens ICN
"One of the most powerful features of ClearCase is that, to each developer if looks as though they're working on a focal source repository. They don't need to know that the database is being shared across the world."
Jamie Echlin, Configuration Manager, SPSS Inc.
"Whatever the industry, ClearCase customers have one thing in common: there is a direct correlation between the software they write and the revenue the company brings in. ClearCase helps teams of all sizes bring in the bacon sooner. "
Open System Advisors,
upon awarding Rational ClearCase
the 1999 A-List Award,
Enterprise IT Asset Management category.
"If you look at it from a technical perspective, ClearCase looks like it was designed for the Web. You can test the functionality or emulate the functionality of a Web site very, very quickly with it."
Sean Mulligan, E-commerce Consultant, Vircon, Inc.
"ClearCase eliminates chaos and enforces and creates order in the system."
Bernie Miller, Release Engineer, MyWay.com
ClearCase Specifications
Client Requirements
Minimum: 64 MB RAM, 35 MB Hard Disk Space
Server Requirements
Minimum: 64 MB RAM (128ÌÂ recommended), 70 MB Hard Disk Space (depending
on code base size)
Supported Web Browsers
Supported Environments
Product Integrations
ClearQuest Specifications
Minimum System Requirements
ClearQuest Web Clients
ClearQuest Web Server
Supported Databases
Accelerate Your Success
Rational Professional Services accelerates your team's ability to deliver complex
software appli-cations using Rational ClearCase. national's comprehensive worldwide
services include indi-vidual and team training, QuickStart technology adoption,
consulting, mentoring, assessments, and technical support.
Where Can Rational ClearCase Be Bought
in Russia?
Rational Suite can be bought in Interface Ltd., Russian Partner of Rational
Software. The product is also available in Online
Software Shop
Where Can I Get Additional Information On Any Rational Software Product?
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